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Gas Tank Thread

got an idea for ya on this. remove the tank and throw it away!!!
go to the junk yard or neighbors yard that owns a bronco 2 and still the tank that sits behind the rear dif and fab some brackets and install it in your x where the spare tire use to sit. my 2 cents

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whats the capacity of the b2 tank? Will i have to change out fuel lines, fill hoses and rewire the fuel pump.. those questions are easy answered but seem like more work and cost more. ya i know it costs to play. but i figured it would be easier to lift it up and throw a skid plate over it.

wattsgame said:
got an idea for ya on this. remove the tank and throw it away!!!
go to the junk yard or neighbors yard that owns a bronco 2 and still the tank that sits behind the rear dif and fab some brackets and install it in your x where the spare tire use to sit. my 2 cents

I've been kicking around this idea for some time now. Actually, there are quite a few phenolic Zeep tanks that will fit behind the rear axle and hold more than the B2 tank. Additionally, there are skid plates to go with those tanks. I believe the issue here is the way the fuel system works. As far as I can tell, there's a supply (to engine) and 'return' (to tank from engine) as well as some vapor ports, too. I don't think it's as simple as swapping tanks.

My 99 Limited chassis is bare now. I will take a couple of pictures of the gas tank, but I think that there are a few items keeping it from being raised.

Sectioning the tank might be a more feasable idea, if the plastic could be properly fused together.

i was thinking about this last night

what if it cut a section out of the top of the tank, to clear the cross member to raise it up? I'd probably loose a gallon or 3, but it might be the most cost effective way.

CDW6212R said:
My 99 Limited chassis is bare now. I will take a couple of pictures of the gas tank, but I think that there are a few items keeping it from being raised.

Sectioning the tank might be a more feasable idea, if the plastic could be properly fused together.

Don do you have a body lift? when i did the body lift i was looking around under it, the only thing i saw was the crossmemeber.. it was in march and i was home on leave (which makes everthing fuzzy due to the amount of alchol intake). I got my return date pushed back now, i wont hit stateside till mid to late june, maybe july but when i do get back, it will be done, anyone near NC got a metal break so i can bend the metal easier?

zhanx said:
Don do you have a body lift? ...

No, my 99 chassis is separated because I am soon going to drop my 93 body onto it. I am about finished with any work that I can do before the swap.
