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Gen II Tail light compatability / swap

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Nice job :thumbsup:

I thought about doing this in the junkyard also, but the 95-97 tails are usually gone...

lots of people ask the question, figued it would help to have a visual rather than trying to explain it every time. :D

Well the easy fix to the hatch not matching up is obviously to just swap out the rear hatch along with the taillights. A 98-01 hatch and lights would pretty much make a 95-97 look completely like the earlier 98-99's, depending on the window trim.

Really cool you found out the front curve of the taillights fits perfectly, too.

You also need to replace the bumper if you want the full look, as you would have the license plate cutout remaining on the '95-'97 bumper if you're **** like me on things like that... :)

...and the rear windows so they match the tint on the hatch
...and the rear door windows

such a curse my anality... :D
