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Got a New Puppy!


Elite Loser
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Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
Meet our new puppy. We are using the name the shelter gave him, Chester for now. It actually fits him. I have been calling him "The Dude", but the wife is not pleased with that. Might name him Titus after the Roman emperor and military leader. He is a 5 month old stray, and is 50 pounds of clumsy energy. I think he is going to be a big boy. I need to watch him every second as he is getting into everything, but I expected that for a few months. Based upon his color, body/head shape and size, he is a German / Anatolian Shepard mix.

Things I have found out so far; He is housebroken, but I don’t know think he has ever spent the night in a house. It might just be that he has always gone in the dirt. He has taken to following me everywhere, which is what I was hoping for. He goes between sleeping and playing. I don’t think he has ever been on a leash, or at least had any type of leash training. He is very sweet and friendly. He is very watchful of other people. He sits on command. He doesn’t care if it’s raining outside or if he’s wet, but baths are a completely new experience for him, and he has never been toweled dry before. He also explores everything nose first, so we have moved breakables off the lower tables. He loves chasing tennis balls, and sort of brings them back. He walks, not jumps, but walks, up the 4” tall terrace walls in our backyard. There is no way I could leave him alone in the backyard when he learns he can jump the 7’ fences, which I think he would have no problem doing in a few months. He loves being outside. He knows what "NO" means, and mostly listens. I will have my hands full, but needed a new project anyways.




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Congrats. He's a great looking pup:chug:

He's going to be a big lap dog.

He's beautiful! Have fun! Enjoy the time before the shedding kicks in! 😁

We officially decided on a name. Last night while he was outside peeing at 0100 hours (that's 1AM for you non-military time folks), I was thinking about him being a outside dog and it came to me: Ranger

Good Shepard name and presidential to boot. George Bush (WWII pilot, 41st President) had a dog named Ranger. He is already starting to react to it when called. Took him to Petco to get a training leader (Gentle Leader), some training treats, a new collar and a name tag. While waiting in line he would just lie down. Cool dog, but lots of work ahead.
Edit, a few pics.
Here he is waiting in the checkout line at Petco

On a walk yesterday
20210212_150953 (Medium).jpg

Been using a Gentle Leader with him to get him walking right next to my left knee. Its working fast, but he keeps stopping and acting like he is going to go to the bathroom, they lying down and trying to scrap it off his muzzle. Hopefully he can graduate to a standard collar soon. He seemed like he realized he has a new home and its pretty good to be a dog in our house. He slept most of today in between walks around the neighborhood. I think all his doggie stress of the past week went away and he is just tired. I also think he has permanent teeth erupting because his mouth seems tender.

German Shepards are my favorite. Completely dedicated, loyal, and protective. (They will kill for you and die for you.)

Well done. You have a new friend.

Congrats on your pup. He's got nice legs. My Family has had them since before I was born.
I'm w/ @Mr. Alligator --Shepherds are the best. Not as quick as a Doberman, Nose not as good as a Bloodhound, bite not as strong as a Rottweiler, but second best in those categories! My last Boy would have jumped in a fire if I told him to. These 2 goofballs just turned 18 months.
Sincerely hope he fills those big shoes of his predecessor.


Thank you @BKennedy.
I truly hope Ranger helps w/ the loss of Sasha.
Your words in that thread rang very close to my own heart.
BTW do not allow them to convince you there is some semblence of behavior, they are hell on wheels!

I knew I had to get another Shepard fast, but its brought back a lot of emotions when I see the new dumbo lying on my old dog's bed. Its a mixed blessing, but having him around and working with him is fun. If I can get him to quit stealing shoes that is...he thinks he is being sneaky, steals a shoe then runs downstairs. He must have already gained about ten pounds. Filling out nicely.

Hi Ranger!!

I know of at least 3 other dogs on here named Ranger!! hahahahaha I love puppies = shop dogs

Hi Ranger!!

I know of at least 3 other dogs on here named Ranger!! hahahahaha I love puppies = shop dogs
That's funny because we picked it because its a good Shepard name, and no one I know has a dog with that name. His official name is "Ranger Danger", Ranger for short.

He wakes me up in the morning by lightly chewing on my hand, then wants to play, then he goes back to sleep. He seems to love everyone, doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Hoping as time goes on his ancestral suspicious nature will kick in and he will be more protective of his pack. His coat has gotten thicker and shinier in the past few days, and his hips are filling out. He is a pooping machine, drops giant plunkies all around the fruit trees in the back yard. He doesn't seem interested in people food and its not offered. I can eat on the coffee table within a few feet of him, and he is indifferent to a grill cheese sandwich and tortilla soup. I wouldn't dare walk off and leave food within reach, but he is very respectful of most boundaries, except for attacking everyone's toes for which he can be persistent. He doesn't bite hard, just makes contact with his sharp little teeth.

He is learning so fast. Only one accident in the house on the travertine on the second night, and it was pee so no big deal. He only went outside one time last night. He has trouble with coming on command, so I am working on that with treats and praise. He is much more independent than our last dog and doesn't mind spending time with himself. Right now he is way up the hill in the backyard while I am in the house. He walks very well for a crazy puppy. I use the nose part of his gentle leader until he settles, then take it off, which turns it into a regular collar. When he starts to wander too much, it goes back on. He gets better every time.

He knows "No", "Get your chewie", "Sit", "Eat your food" and "Go to your pillow" pretty good. He got "Eat your food" and "Go to your pillow" by the second day just by me saying it every time he was headed there anyway and he already knew "Sit". That's how I have taught most of my dogs commands; see where they are headed and tell them to do it so it comes second nature. It will be at least a few months before I can trust him off-leash.

One funny thing about him was he didn't know how to climb stairs. He's still working on it, takes the occasional face plant.

It's definitely fun watching dogs learn how to do stairs.:snicker:

I had a worker over here today so I put Ranger Danger in the backyard. I went out to check on him and he was at the top of the hill where there is a short king palm tree. He was tearing the lower dead fronds off the tree, throwing them around, then going back for another one. If you have ever tried to pull a dead palm frond off a tree you will know how hard that is to do. I usually chain saw them off. I checked his mouth and not a scratch. I swear his head grew today.

Congratulations Brian. So happy to hear you found a new companion. Enjoy

Daughter came over for dinner tonight and her 13 year old fiesty chihuahua chased Ranger out of his own house. It was pretty funny because he didn't know what to do when confronted by a growling, barking 8 pound dog, but he barked at the neighbors 80 pound lab earlier in the day.

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That had to be sight for sure!
