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Got a New Puppy!

Like the utility company's call before you dig line, there could be a call before you do anything line.
the CA center would be full of calls 🤣 🤣 🤣 as would many other places

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I'm working on that, but it will be a mile to the highway and about 1200' to the gate.

I have those too.

Even with all I have experienced in this world, sometimes people still surprise me. I remember having a conversation when I had a few years on the job, with a much older and wiser law enforcement veteran. I remarked I used to think I was of average intelligence until I started this job. He said that half the people in this world are idiots and the worst part is they are completely unaware of that fact. If they knew they were stupid, maybe we wouldn't have so many problems. Maybe there should be some kind of advice hotline people could call before embarking on questionable activities...
Like the utility company's call before you dig line, there could be a call before you do anything line.
I've noticed also, the stupider, the more supremely confident in their stupid actions.

I believe all election voting should begin with a short 3-4 question quiz. Easy but telling, the quiz should pass or fail the actual vote.

Just remember - 50% of all people are below average. Once you really understand that, then life gets slightly better. That doesn't how ever mean the bell curve has changed any..

We are currently at the Fiesta Island Dog Park. It's a few miles around the perimeter. First time we have been here just the two of us. He's a water dog, but when he gets a bath he still acts like he's having acid poured on him.

Seems like everywhere you go in this city, there's a Asian live streaming.

ranger looks so happy!!! never got the live streaming thing :banghead: i mean im asian, and i still dont get it🤣

ranger looks so happy!!! never got the live streaming thing :banghead: i mean im asian, and i still dont get it🤣
Livestreaming seems narcissistic to me. I don't think people really care what I am doing enough to walk around videoing everything I do. Wouldn't want them to know if they were interested.

I think I figured out what he objects to so strongly about a bath. It's washing his head/face. I quickly did that area last this time and that is when he started thrashing around. I still get soaked, but at least it's not a fight that I can't win.

Forgot to post this pic. This is what he looked like after about ten minutes of our 1.5 hours at the park.

I'm working on that, but it will be a mile to the highway and about 1200' to the gate.

I have those too.

Even with all I have experienced in this world, sometimes people still surprise me. I remember having a conversation when I had a few years on the job, with a much older and wiser law enforcement veteran. I remarked I used to think I was of average intelligence until I started this job. He said that half the people in this world are idiots and the worst part is they are completely unaware of that fact. If they knew they were stupid, maybe we wouldn't have so many problems. Maybe there should be some kind of advice hotline people could call before embarking on questionable activities...
Like the utility company's call before you dig line, there could be a call before you do anything line.
One mark of a truly stupid person is that they think they are smart. Smart people know their own limits.

Ranger is a beautiful dog btw.

this was just rhe first resut for me googling dunning kruge effect 🤣 is that a company you work for? if so, coolio!
How did you know the name of the company I work for?

I think I figured out what he objects to so strongly about a bath. It's washing his head/face. I quickly did that area last this time and that is when he started thrashing around. I still get soaked, but at least it's not a fight that I can't win.
Cat person here...Everybody knows how cats hate a bath. But mine LOVES it when I wring out a washcloth to wipe down his face and back - Maybe Ranger would respond to a face wash with a damp cloth? Less scary for him perhaps.

@joney how many cats do you have? Just trying to judge the number of cats to how crazy a person is ratio.

I guess Ranger knows how to swim. He jumped into Miramar Lake and swam out while on our walk today. Sorry for a few white dog hairs in your drinking water if you live in the area.

@joney how many cats do you have? Just trying to judge the number of cats to how crazy a person is ratio.

I guess Ranger knows how to swim. He jumped into Miramar Lake and swam out while on our walk today. Sorry for a few white dog hairs in your drinking water if you live in the area.
LOL, just ONE cat, but he's a big, long kitty! Can be crazy with only one cat, none, or a bunch!

I think the standard is three or more cats = crazy
I secretly suspect that crazy animal lovers go nuts because they can't cope with everything coated with pet hair!!!

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