GWNF early June Run | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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GWNF early June Run


Explorer Addict
October 20, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Richmond, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 sport
We have not had a run up to the George Washington National Forest in a while. Therefore, I am proposing a late spring run. Spike (fish food) and i are planning to go. We have not set a date, but the last weekend in may or the first weekend in June looks good.

We are planning to do the Stoney Run trail (Bald Knob) and Shoe Creek. Each trail is a 1 to 3 hour ride.

These trails are generally passible with stock vehicles, with a little care. Some modification is preferable but not required.

For those that want to camp, the top end of Shoe Creek is Crabtree Meadows, a popular camping spot. There is a parking lot, latrine, an alpine meadow and of course the falls.

I do not want to make to many concrete plans because they always tend to change, but we can discuss them here.

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muddin, creekin, rockin etc

You can count me in.... i am glad you decided to post this ... i said i was going to but did not get around to it yet.
I checked the dates from last year and found that our recon run was on or about june 10. i was suggesting that we try for the same time +/- so that we can catch the rhododendon in bloom again. Driving through the purple tunnels was a unique aspect of the stony run trail.
I am throwing out a couple target dates for consideration. How about either saturday June 1, or saturday June 8. as for camping there is also a possibility for camping around sherando area at the bottom of stony run.

There is even the possibility that i can have some of the climbing trails cut in at my place by then if i can secure the bulldozer in time. In any event we may be able to camp at my place saturday and finish the day off with some swimming/fishing on the James.

Few pics to motivate:

1) Side obstacle on Shoe Creek
2) Different view of side obstacle on Shoe Creek

Lots of fun!

Camping near Crabtree Falls is great. Definately worth the (relatively flat) 1/2-1 mile hike down to the top of the falls!


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I'm in... Before the trip I need to do a little bit of work... pull my f150 spacers from the front end. Driving (more like wondering) around with < 2 degrees of caster sucks. And space the radius arms forward so my tires clear better. I should be ready by the second weekend (June 9th).

Subscription -- I cant make June 'cauz I'm going to Rausch Creek during the first week so I hope to do a run with you guys after this one.

sounds good as long as i have of wohat ever weekend yall decide

June 9 is good for me.

june 9 th count me in

The trip is still on. Fishfood has lifted his ranger and fitted it with 33s, and I know he is ready.

sweet i just gota replace a hub and a u joint but i should have that all done by the end of nexted week as long as my sealed ujoint from summit comes in i just bought the hub from a dealer today

I am thinking about starting at Alahambra running up to Crabtree Meadows, then Stoney run from Bald Knob to Shernando. It depends on it anyone is camping. I plan on day tripping.

OK, so who is in in? We will be going Saturday 6/9.

hwen do you want to meet?


There is a good chance that i will be canoeing on the rockfish on friday so i may already be in Nelson for Saturday morning. do you have a rendevous point and a time in mind?

I did not get the bulldozer in time to cut trails on my place. the common area riverside trail and camp may be available but i do not know if it has been bushhogged yet this year(the guy who used to maintain this trail moved last year). i will try and do a recon before saturday to see if it is worth doing. When the weeds are not 5 feet high there is a great campsite down there where you can camp in the shade about 50' from the river (or closer if you dont mind a little off chamber stuff). however if i camp on saturday i will probably camp at my place on top of the hill rather than at rivers edge.

We can discuss further via phone as the week unravels.

We are going to day trip. So is Jim comming?

:rolleyes: ugh, seems like something always comes up when we plan a meet. My attendance is questionable. May need to help family saturday. And Explorer is in the shop now getting a/c fixed, should have it back tomorrow.

In case I can make it, what is the meeting place and time? I would be day tripping also.

And... I'm out :( I haven't wheeled in 3 months :eek:

We may just run the Stoney Run trail, it is closest to home.
