Hot air balloon show this morning... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hot air balloon show this morning...


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Caught this while taking the garbage out this morning. Nice way to start the day! I can't imagine how cold it is in these things! It was only 39 degrees last night!





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They have been drifting over my parent's house for decades. I remember seeing F-14's flying low up the valley on a cloudy day. One of them kicked on the afterburner and I looked up to see it dodging a high flying ballon. It was so close the balloon rippled when it went past. I bet there were a bunch of soiled underpants that day. Always wondered how bad a chewing the pilots got, both the balloon pilot for getting over 1,000' in a flight path, and the F-14 pilot for flying so low.

One of Luke AFBs auxiliary fields is one mile due South of our house. They are supposed to fly a set pattern but occasionally they deviate flying low over the house. When they come back from the Baghdad, AZ bombing range they line up at the aux field, drop to 500ft with the gear down then afterburners as they pull up hard.

I don't think the balloonists are very smart flying around here, but they do look cool.

From last night...


The Indianola Balloon Classic is held about 20 miles south of my house, so we see lots of balloons the last week of July as they drift over Des Moines. It's not unusual to see them at other times, too. Pretty cool! A friend's son got a free ride when he worked for a local radio station. Scared him, but he enjoyed it just the same.

Regarding low flying jets as referenced above, in the late 1950s, my dad was plowing in west central Illinois, and looked back just in time to see a fighter jet about to buzz him. He said he could have stood on the tractor seat and stabbed the jet with a pitchfork!
In the early '80s, the Air Guard flew F16s and B52s in a loop from St Louis to Sioux City and back at very low altitude. Northbound, they flew directly over our farm, with the B52s going directly over our house at maybe 300 ft at all hours, day and night. This went on for months. We could kind of hear the B52s coming most of the time, but the F16s were past us before we could hear them, and they were LOUD! They generally flew a little higher, but not always. The F16s flew in pairs, and a pair flew over a bridge that was being worked on just as I approached the bridge. I didn't see them, so the noise scared the crap out of me. I thought there was an explosion on the bridge. Another time I had an experience similar to my dad's. I was unloading a wagon load of corn and had 2 tractors running plus an elevator. As I raised the wagon, I looked back to see 2 F16s coming directly at me. If I hadn't seen them, they'd have scared me big time! Despite the scares and the annoyance of the B52s in the middle of the night, we missed them when they ended the flights.

We have an Airforce auxilary field 1 mile behind us. When the F16s trained there they would drop down to 500ft at the end of the runway and then pull up hard while hitting the afterburners. You are right about not hearing them until they are on you. The new F35s aren't like that, I can hear them coming.

With the AFB training rang so close I'm always waiting for a close encounter between a jet and a balloon.:eek:
