How to Make a Woman Happy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to Make a Woman Happy

Stang Girl

Explorer Addict
July 11, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Bastrop, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Cobra R Clone
It's not difficult to make a woman happy.
A man only needs to be:

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate


45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls


51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes


54. Never to forget:
* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes


1. Show up naked
2. Bring beer and food

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Stang Girl said:

1. Show up naked
2. Bring beer and food

Amen to that! :D

sn0border88 said:
I guess im simpler than most. :thumbsup:

You just want a girl to show up or a man.. :D :mattmoon:

STOP trying to seduce me ben, it didnt work last time remember. :D

Lori, I can shorten your list up pretty quickly for "certain" females:

1. Bring her home a Mustang.... :D

I made my loving wife very UNhappy last night.
She says:Can i drive your Roush stage 3.I say:NO.
She asks Why Not?,I Say you have never driven anything but an automatic.
She asks:can't you teach me? I said no Friggin way, not in this car.
She tells to go f%%k myself,I say Fine, i would if I could.
She refuses to cook dinner.
I get pizza delivered.
She says:you know that car is community property (half Mine)
I say, correctamundo, still no get to drive woman, PERIOD.
She says, your going to get killed in that car, the way you drive it.
I say, mayhaps,But When I die, you get the proceeds from the insurance company for the car, you get a, mil from the insurance company from my demise.
Your outgo at that time will be 900 bux to have the neptune society burn me up, you get a little urn to display me.
GO BUY YOUR OWN ROUSH LADY, learn how to drive it, and put me in the backseat.
had to sleep on the couch last night, no biggie, been married 25 yrs.:)

spindlecone said:
I made my loving wife very UNhappy last night.
She says:Can i drive your Roush stage 3.I say:NO.
She asks Why Not?,I Say you have never driven anything but an automatic.
She asks:can't you teach me? I said no Friggin way, not in this car.
She tells to go f%%k myself,I say Fine, i would if I could.
She refuses to cook dinner.
I get pizza delivered.
She says:you know that car is community property (half Mine)
I say, correctamundo, still no get to drive woman, PERIOD.
She says, your going to get killed in that car, the way you drive it.
I say, mayhaps,But When I die, you get the proceeds from the insurance company for the car, you get a, mil from the insurance company from my demise.
Your outgo at that time will be 900 bux to have the neptune society burn me up, you get a little urn to display me.
GO BUY YOUR OWN ROUSH LADY, learn how to drive it, and put me in the backseat.
had to sleep on the couch last night, no biggie, been married 25 yrs.:)

ROFLMAO...Spindlecone kicked to the couch over a car.... :D :p

JDraper said:
ROFLMAO...Spindlecone kicked to the couch over a car.... :D :p
I love my wife,i love the car, spent 7 hrs on the paino of zaino yesterday.
Car shines like a diamond,
But being the jerk i am, and a few glasses of vino.i say: you should try this zaino stuff on your body, it can restore things.
Am on the couch for maybe a week more :D

id sleep in the car. Any pics of it BTW?

Stang Girl that list still does not work :)

sn0border88 said:
id sleep in the car. Any pics of it BTW?
no way to sleep in the thing, is 106 in my town.


  • MVC-035S.JPG
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JDraper said:
Lori, I can shorten your list up pretty quickly for "certain" females:

1. Bring her home a Mustang.... :D

If it's not bringing home the Mustang, since Reaper came before Jeff ;) it's bringing home mods for the Mustang. *cough, cough, supercharger, cough, cough* :D

Spindle, I haven't laughed like that in awhile. Probably wouldn't help that I agree with you. You can't learn to drive standard in that beautiful car. Need to get those windows tinted...might not help much, but it sure can't hurt.

Now for you other guys, like 410, there are exceptions to this list, which I have read from you guys about your better halves. :p There's Sue, Char, GJarret's wife, ME, and Spas! We aren't your typical, high-maintenance women. We like to be appreciated for what we do and what we know. We have our own interests as well. But still like to get have fun, get dirty, drink beer, and can tell dirty jokes, whether it's going 2 mph in the trucks, or for like Sue and myself, as fast as you can go in your own Stang! :thumbsup:

I have no explanations for SnoBorder and Blee. :confused:

Stang Girl said:
..I have no explanations for SnoBorder and Blee. :confused:

Aaahh, they're just soap-on-a-rope buddies!! :eek:


Stang Girl said:
Spindle, I haven't laughed like that in awhile. Probably wouldn't help that I agree with you. You can't learn to drive standard in that beautiful car. Need to get those windows tinted...might not help much, but it sure can't hurt.
Glad you found some joy in my post :D
The tint cops in kali are out force, cannot touch the side windows, but will next week as the car is just a weekend warrior.
Next up is to fab a licence plate attachment for the front, will not drill any holes in my bumper (gotta have one in Kali) :mad:

mountaineergree said:
Even if all things on the list were completed in full- it wouldn't be good enough because it wasn't done because you wanted to, but because you had TRIED to make her happy. ;)

yeah pretty much

everytime we get close to completing the list you girls get together and change the rules.

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the rules change as you go down the list, this does not even require them to get together!
