"HTD Sanitization Solution" - how to activate? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"HTD Sanitization Solution" - how to activate?


November 23, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Manassas, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Ford PIU
I was looking at the window sticker on my 2023 PIU and I noticed it came with "HTD Sanitization Solution". I assume that is where the interior hits 133F for 15 minutes to kill things like COVID inside. I read a lot of literature about the feature existing, but cannot find a single document that shows how to activate it. I couldn't even find it in the manual. It is like it is super secret. Has anyone used this feature? One document I read said that earlier explorers had a "sequence of cruise control buttons", but didn't elaborate on those.

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Could it be not a feature you activate, but a treatment that was done at the factory that they are charging you for?

Open all ducts, remove all items and follow this procedure below, then exit vehicle. Be sure all electrical items are off, hood closed, and windows.

Here is some other information as well.




  • 240446092662FINAL_P-035R1 PI and Resp Opr Comd Int Cabin Heating_20240104.pdf
    229.6 KB · Views: 70

I'm not saying it's wrong but the pdf is saying this is for 2025 and beyond.

I also have this saved.

Open all ducts, remove all items and follow this procedure below, then exit vehicle. Be sure all electrical items are off, hood closed, and windows.

Here is some other information as well.

View attachment 449243

View attachment 449244

Thanks! I can't help but feel like I am getting ready to play Nintendo NES with the up up, down down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start! My PIU is at the upfitter getting lights added right now. Will definitely try it once/if I ever get it back. Whelen is killing me!
