if ur boRed.. | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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if ur boRed..

...dressed in camos, sporting a :usa: and wielding a grenade launcher

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...but wait, out of nowhere, Osama Bin Ladin showed up in a suit and tie...

.........holding G.I. Jane................

....then suddenly zavaral relizes that he cant spell and that he hasnt posted on this post in a long time...

....so he runs up to osama and forces him to drink rubbing alcohol.....

(which according to sam rubbing alcohol if taken in enternally can give you sever gastric disterbences [again he remindes himself that he cant spell])

Causing Osama to vomit on himself and.......

...all over his husband's brand new white Chevrolet Shirt that he had bought at the swap meet with...

... Saddam Hussein, who, after losing his sons, bought himself a POS Chevy to make himself feel better but, little did he know that...

........the chevy was ran over by an explorer with a 62" lift......

Impressed with the Explorer's capabilities, he bought himself one; a brand spanking new '04 Explorer Limited with a V-8 engine. He then found out about this site and joined the Serious Exploration Forum but Rick said...

realizing that poo is OLD AND SHOULD BE NO MORE OF he erases everything in his minda about poo thus making him a ....

because there's no shortage of gas when you're poo powered, and he knew this because back in the early days,

..........they figured out a way to ignite urine... people complained because......

Then some Shane guy took a handful of poo ( while wearing rubber gloves) and shoved it down some Caleb kids throat, then Shane asked Caleb how he liked poo now?....

Caleb replied......

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..as he sat next to bill cosy who also loved chocolate pudding and spelling it out loudly "J.E.L.L.O". Soon They became friends and decided to go to...
