In need of 5.0 Headers | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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In need of 5.0 Headers

Does anyone have a set of torque monster headers for the 5.0 they're willing to sell? I have a cracked manifold and the raspy sound is killing me!

I've read that the OBX headers and Maximizer Headers aren't worth it but are there any other options in 2021? Thanks guys.
The TMs are a huge pain in the ass to install, get to seal right. and you have to deal with not burning up the plug wires forever with them.

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Yes but
24 rwhp just for bolting them on to a stock truck

Don’t forget a 12-16 month wait???

I think you being pretty negative about a great aftermarket performance part. I thought they were overpriced and then found-out the quality of them and time to hand make them. I am glad to have a set.

Everyone has an opinion. Here is my experience. I had one leak at the extra joint on the drivers side, no burnt plug wires, and a great increase in performance. I am sure I didn't get that joint tight enough on install and I did not go back to it. The header bolts have held, but I re-tightened them as you should at least a couple times after install and good heat cycles. I keep checking them till I cannot get anymore of a turn on them. This has worked for me across several headers with a good metal sandwich gasket.

The maximizer headers actually fit pretty good

They got a bad wrap when they came out the early ones were crappy, but they for sure got better

The tmh are like jewelry they really are a piece of art

Having sealing issues /
Leak issues is a problem with lots of aftermarket headers not just tmh. The installer has a lot to do with this. There is a learning curve with headers on these rigs that is for sure, ball flanges and tight spaces will do that

I don’t typically have any issues now that I know what to expect, I have installed probably 10 sets of tmh to date and one set of obx ;)

I think you being pretty negative about a great aftermarket performance part. I thought they were overpriced and then found-out the quality of them and time to hand make them. I am glad to have a set.

Everyone has an opinion. Here is my experience. I had one leak at the extra joint on the drivers side, no burnt plug wires, and a great increase in performance. I am sure I didn't get that joint tight enough on install and I did not go back to it. The header bolts have held, but I re-tightened them as you should at least a couple times after install and good heat cycles. I keep checking them till I cannot get anymore of a turn on them. This has worked for me across several headers with a good metal sandwich gasket.

I'm about 90% positive that this guy is a spammer in disguise. He responded to one of my threads with what I though was a pointless comment. Then I noticed that he had buried a link in the quote box. Seemed fishy so I went digging. Looking through his posts since joining, almost all of them have links hidden in them. In fact this is the only one I have found that didn't have a link in it.

The maximizer headers actually fit pretty good

They got a bad wrap when they came out the early ones were crappy, but they for sure got better

Mine have been mostly good. Aside from the normal hardware/tool clearance issues found in headers, I've only found one issue on my truck. The bolt/nut on the steering shaft hits the #8 primary tube. At first it was a hard interference, definitely felt it when turning the wheel. Shortened the excess length on the bolt and ground a bevel on the nut took care of most of it. Now it occasionally rubs, when I get a good opportunity I'm going to grind a bit more off. Plenty of meat still left on the nut. You could grind almost half that nut away and still have plenty of material there for strength.

That said, once I get some other expenses squared away on a few projects, I'll probably order a set of the real TMH to stick on the shelf for down the road. Still don't like waiting a year and no communication, but it is easier to accept when I don't have a project hanging on availability.

Good idea to get another set coming! They will always be worth $1000 new in box heck maybe more to some of us

I shave the steering
Bolt too, otherwise it smacks
A small body lift helps or replace worn body mounts with urethane
