Solved - Information is needed for my Aerostar's roof moulding. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Information is needed for my Aerostar's roof moulding.

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Well-Known Member
March 22, 2013
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1994 Aerostar extended
Hi! Been away for awhile.......sitting in sunny FL right now. My question is about those full roof-length rubber or plastic strips which run the length of the roof on either side and if they can leak?
I seem to have a leak inside and I have NO roof rack. The only place I can imagine water getting thru is under those strips, but I am afraid to remove them.Anybody know anything about these strips? Thanks!


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They cover up a welded seam. It is possible that it could be corroded and leaking under the trim.

Thank you! I was afraid to take it off, but maybe i can locate a leaky seam. don

The last van I had, the heat warped that trim, I was able to see epoxy covering the seam. I wonder if the rivnuts are in the roof, it could leak around those over a long period of time

The last van I had, the heat warped that trim, I was able to see epoxy covering the seam. I wonder if the rivnuts are in the roof, it could leak around those over a long period of time
Well, it's not bad leaks, but I hate leaks. LOL! I was polishing and waxing the top when I saw those strips. I'll try to check them out after I drive it back north in a few weeks.

are you sure its not leaking above the windows like mine?

Thanks for the replies,all! I'll try to fix it when I get up North. Getting ready to leave in a month or so. Thanks,again!

Mine has some seepage from the side windows. Some of the explorers do that too.

Zenish and 92 were right! It was leaking from the shrunken trim rubber above the left side windows. Pried back the edge and silicone sealed it well. We'll see, next rain................THANKS!

Well, it rain in downpours all day here in FL and not a drop got thru this time. FIXED!

Hi! Been away for awhile.......sitting in sunny FL right now. My question is about those full roof-length rubber or plastic strips which run the length of the roof on either side and if they can leak?
I seem to have a leak inside and I have NO roof rack. The only place I can imagine water getting thru is under those strips, but I am afraid to remove them.Anybody know anything about these strips? Thanks!

View attachment 329886
I put weather stripping around the moulding around sliding windows and big side windows

Thanks for the update. Your thread is now marked as being solved. Which brand of silicone did you use?
I used the flowable clear type. Can't remember the brand and threw the empty tube away. Worked great and I applied it in the sun at 90 degrees.
