It has arrived!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It has arrived!!!!


Explorer Addict
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Frisco, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Limited
Hey everyone, the Gray Ghost has finally arrived and is sitting in our garage this very moment.

Had an awesome delivery and overall buying experience.

It's late right now, so pics will have to wait until I can catch my breath, and a few zzz's :)

Also to follow is a detailed timeline for our ordering, build, and delivery process.

Thanks to Cory for the tireless updates, and to everyone else for putting up with my "Is it here yet" posts :D

Catch ya'll later.

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Congrats buddy!!!

WOOHOO!!! :party:

I'm so glad it's finally there!! Can't wait to see pix!

Congrats VinceL!

Congrats, now we might actually take your posts seriously now that you actually own an EX :D

Congratulations and enjoy!

Congrats, now we might actually take your posts seriously now that you actually own an EX :D

LOL!!! :D

Don't lie to me, I know ya'll still won't take my posts seriously, hehe.

Saw it very nice....congrats...

Hey everyone, the Gray Ghost has finally arrived and is sitting in our garage this very moment...Thanks to Cory for the tireless updates, and to everyone else for putting up with my "Is it here yet" posts :D...
You’re very welcome, VinceL. :) What a cool name for your new ride! I saw the shots in the other thread; talk about gorgeous! :D

Congrats Vince! Picking ours up this afternoon.
That’s awesome, STORMIN63! When do we get pics? :thumbsup:

