It's not a friggin' fuel cell!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It's not a friggin' fuel cell!!!


Village Idiot
May 31, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Trenton, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 ExSport, '00 F-150
{rant on}
Please, for the love of God, quit calling them 'Hydrogen Fuel Cells!!!!' They are NOT hydrogen fuel cells by any stretch of the imagination!! I've seen them listed on the news, across internet forums, etc. as fuel cells, and it drives me bonkers!!

These 'brown gas generators' or 'HHO generators' or 'water molecule crackers' or 'water hydrolizers' or whatever you wanna call them USE electricity to break water molecules into their elemental components (in high school chemistry class, we called this 'hydrolysis'), but they are NOT, by ANY stretch of the imagination, a 'Fuel Cell.'

Fuel Cells use a fuel and an oxidant in the presence of an electrolyte or other catalyst to generate electricity. They PRODUCE electricity. They don't consume it. They're two completely different processes to accomplish two completely different results.

OK, I said it. I feel better now. :)

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I'm sure he appreciates the thank you 1.5 years later
