Just saying Hi after 20 years here | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just saying Hi after 20 years here


Explorer Addict
June 30, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Cumberland, RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
98' 5.0 XLT
@Rick 's resurrection of this thread made me want to come check-in on the site and post an update. It's been awhile since I've posted, and I realized it's been over 20 years since I first joined the site!! (see Rick's 2013 post for how long 20 years is :) ). This site played a formidable role in my years after college when I was a huge Explorer enthusiast, of which I had several. The last being my locked 5.0 V8 5 spd manual swapped 98', which I still miss (it got totaled :( ). I loved the utility of them and taking them off-road, as much as can be done here on the east coast anyway. I don't have any Explorers anymore, but now I've been lucky enough to parlay that passion for off-road vehicle adventure into my career working on truck firmware at Rivian. After my Explorers I had a couple F150's, but I was missing the capability of the Explorer and being an engineer I'm always interested in future technology, so when I got the job at Rivian I had to get an R1T. In a lot of ways it reminds me of my original explorer in utility, capability and function, just with all new technology! Anyways hope everyone else has been good over the years, I'm glad to see the site is still alive and well. With kids and house work, I don't have as much time for forums anymore, but I still prefer this one to any other.


My new (already has 15k on it) truck


And I still get myself in trouble!!

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I gotta say, the look had grown on me. What is the name of the SUV model? One comes by my house and back out daily, kinda think it's hot.

That's the R1S (T for truck, S for SUV). Once you know the story behind the headlights it makes more sense. They are modeled after carabiners and on some original prototypes they were going to function as tie down points too. I think it looks kind of like a futuristic roundish jeep headlight myself.


Glad to see you back here:chug:

I see Rivians all the time in our little town. We are located between the Toyota, Ford, and the old Chrysler proving grounds which is now allegedly owned by Apple for work on autonomous vehicle technology.

I have even seen a pair of identical Lucids running around here. Considering how low the income base is in this zip code it is VERY odd to see such high end vehicles unless they are being tested.

Thanks. Yeah I believe we use the Toyota test track over there, among several other test tracks around the country. I'd love to get a chance to visit some of them one day.

Thanks. Yeah I believe we use the Toyota test track over there, among several other test tracks around the country. I'd love to get a chance to visit some of them one day.

If you are ever in the neighborhood let me know and I'll take you out to lunch.:chug:
