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Key Fob Upgrade


Well-Known Member
June 20, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer 4.6L
Has anyone tried to upgrade their key and remote combo to one of the later model keys with integrated remote buttons?

I'm interested in jumping into this project. These are the keys I'm talking about: http://www.carandtruckremotes.com/2...e-key-1.html?gclid=CLyA9PGdsdICFQtLDQodCTIJUA

Or something like that. I haven't done any research into the keys at all, I just like the idea of having my key and remote in one package.

This upgrade will be part of a remote start install as well, so I'll be determining whether it's possible to use the late model factory key for remote start in addition to the standard functions. I'll update the post as I proceed with the project.

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I have done it, it works. I currently have that key from your link on my 02. It's a ford version, not an aftermarket one, but it should be ok.

I have done it, it works. I currently have that key from your link on my 02. It's a ford version, not an aftermarket one, but it should be ok.
Wow what are the odds that you'd find my post so fast?! Awesome. So what did it take to get the upgrade done? Simple as cutting the key and programming the remote? Any special tricks that you remember?

I got the key without the hatch button, so it's the 3 button version. I hated it, I would always hit it on accident.

Yup, cut the key like normal, program the fob like normal. I get emails when anyone posts on this forum.

I got the key without the hatch button, so it's the 3 button version. I hated it, I would always hit it on accident.
Did the hatch button serve any purpose or was it just a dead button? If dead, I wonder if a car stereo shop could use the button to control some other accessory (windows, hatch popper, remote start etc).

Those style keys were never available from ford for the earlier year fusions listed. If they do work for those years, you should be good. I first had a key from an 08 or so fusion. I would also like to use one of those keys. I might have to give it a try.

And the 4th button for the hatch is dead on my IKT.

Did the hatch button serve any purpose or was it just a dead button? If dead, I wonder if a car stereo shop could use the button to control some other accessory (windows, hatch popper, remote start etc).
on my 02, the trunk button pops the upper half of the hatch.

What about PATS? Do these have the PATS transponder in them too?

Theres no reason they shouldn't. I believe PATS is used on all modern fords. Good question though. Here's a link describing how to program the key to the vehicle once you've got it cut:


I'm diving in and ordering an OEM fusion flip key. They're only $40~. If they were $200 or something I might take a pause. But for $40 I'm willing to take a gamble.

Theres no reason they shouldn't. I believe PATS is used on all modern fords. Good question though. Here's a link describing how to program the key to the vehicle once you've got it cut:


I'm diving in and ordering an OEM fusion flip key. They're only $40~. If they were $200 or something I might take a pause. But for $40 I'm willing to take a gamble.

Aren't flip keys laser cut in the sides? May be the wrong key.

Theres no reason they shouldn't. I believe PATS is used on all modern fords. Good question though. Here's a link describing how to program the key to the vehicle once you've got it cut:


I'm diving in and ordering an OEM fusion flip key. They're only $40~. If they were $200 or something I might take a pause. But for $40 I'm willing to take a gamble.

Let me know how that works. I want to switch to a flip key but I want all the buttons to work like the 4 button remote I have now. I only have 1 key, but I downloaded Forscan and am ordering a Bluetooth OBDII plug next week so I'll be able to program it myself.

Aren't flip keys laser cut in the sides? May be the wrong key.
depends on the manufacturer... if you look at the flip mechanism, there's a retainer pin that can be removed to allow multiple blades using the same fob.

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Yep... I found that on Google too. But could you elaborate a bit on what forscan would help someone achieve with this specific key fob upgrade? I haven't found any documentation on this topic during my forscan research.

My understanding is that all of this stuff (remotes and key) get programmed by turning the ignition from off to run a series of times and so on.

Edit: found this, nevermind : http://forscan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=839 Thanks for pointing me back in that direction.
