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Ladies Rides


Active Member
November 28, 2007
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City, State
Bay Area, Cali
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Eddie Bauer/'08 M3
Any female rides out there? Ill be posting my baby up just as soon as I get my TSL SX's on the thing. Post your pictures up ladies!

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Come on ladies, dont be shy. Your rig doesn't have to be lifted huge or slammed to the ground or anything. Just as long as you're a lady with an explorer....

Give em some time, and where's your ride? Post some pics! =)

pics to follow, lead by example

Give em some time, and where's your ride? Post some pics! =)

You know, I do the same thing... I ask for pics, but my garage is empty. Since we've hijacked this thread, maybe MKSU19 will have to start over when the vehicle is ready for show. (And I'm leaving by the way, this is like a ladies thread) :eek:


Oh whoops... *leaves*

Moved to Ladies forum. ;)

Any female rides out there? Ill be posting my baby up just as soon as I get my TSL SX's on the thing. Post your pictures up ladies!

Hi there!! Yes, there are alot of females with rides here. Welcome to the forum and I can't wait to see pics of your baby. I'm Sandy, and I'm the moderator for the ladies forum, Explorer Babes. I hope to see you around alot

Thanks Sandy,
Im just about getting my truck ready for show. It wont be lifted yet but I will have some 29x10.5 TSL SX's on them that I know a lot of the boys will be jealous over. Much love to all of them!!!

My wife's rides :smoke:

Her daily driver:

Her toy:

Here's my Reaper

04 Mustang GT with a few mods...:thumbsup::D





Awsome ride girl!! Im drooling....

Is that before or after the "Dog" mod?
As I duck away from the screen.

That's before the "Dog" mod. :eek: But hopefully Uncle Sam will be nice enough to let me have some of my money back so Reaper can look that way again. Just need the bumper and a famous Kris paint job on it. ;)

 you go..;)


Thanks tbars4!

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