Let's see, what can I powdercoat today? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see, what can I powdercoat today?

nissan wiper 1.jpg
nissan wiper 2.jpg
nissan wiper 3.jpg
I have been practicing with my powdercoating system. So, today I thought I'd coat the wipers on my Wife's Nissan--might as well hit the ones on the Mounty also--

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Here are some antique lawnmower parts I coated with 50 percent gloss outdoor white hybrid


  • Mower 1.jpg
    Mower 1.jpg
    29.9 KB · Views: 6,479
  • mower 2.jpg
    mower 2.jpg
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very nice work. Ive always wanted a powder coating setup. But then if i had one i might get carried away.


Surface prep is the key-

30 minutes of beadblasting, at least, went into each wiper arm.

Very nice!

So, do you have a large oven or something in your garage? Or was this done where you work?

What kind of system do you have, Jon?

It is the "Eastwood Pro" system( now in it's box)
Edit-upgraded to es 280 spec coat gun.

I have less overspray mess than with paint--and it sweeps up.

So, do you have a large oven or something in your garage? Or was this done where you work?

I am doing this in my garage. I am planning on setting this up as a business.
I am looking now for a 3x3x6' oven-but for now it is a normal kitchen sized unit, which is in my garage. This will mess up your oven-don't do it in your kitchen!!!

I am also seeking a larger 5hp 80gallon air compressor. I am loosing time in blasting, waiting for my 30 gallon to catch up.

I have jobs piling up in the garage already. I am doing a Chevelle fanblade and pulley setup, and some brackets ( in chrome powdercoat) for one guy, a Volkswagen Bug engine shroud for another guy.
The shroud will require the large oven. I turned away so far, a set of traction bars-a tube bumper and a trailer hitch. Need the oven.

O man, looks good. Like said above great detail even when it comes to the small areas such as numbers on the square, would you be able to do wheels in your current oven? If so might have to have a talk with you...
Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

very nice work. Ive always wanted a powder coating setup. But then if i had one i might get carried away.

Yeah you don't ya want to get caught standing around the Smith House ya might get powered coated too. :D

The old lawnmower deck has a couple of holes rusted through it. They are very small, but I want to fill them. I have just picked up a can of Alvin's "Lab Metal"
It is a ground accepting heat resistant putty, which can be powdercoated.

Let's see how well it works. A 12 oz can is 24.00, so it better be good.

Too bad your current oven is not big enough for a trailer hitch. Mine needs it bad. :D

Very cool Jonny. I'm gonna get you to do my air intake pipe when I'm down there some day to do the headers. :D

Good luck with the venture. :thumbsup:

powder coat your Hootus?

Could make you famous....

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