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Maintenance advice - fuel injectors

Any advice on the fuel trims? It would seem that the injectors are too large, but everything I've read these should be 19# injectors. Is that incorrect?
The front O2 are switching normally, by the rear O2s don't seem to be switching at all.

I also have a P0306 code now; Cylinder 6 misfire. It's not noticeable when driving or idling. I've checked the wire, but still need to pull the plug and inspect.
The rear 02 don't switch. They monitor the CAT efficiency.
I had a plug boot on the coil not lock into place. I heard the spark jump.
How many miles in the plug?

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The rear 02 don't switch. They monitor the CAT efficiency.
I had a plug boot on the coil not lock into place. I heard the spark jump.
How many miles in the plug?
I thought the rears did switch, just much slower then the fronts, but good to know.
I did check the wire and how it was seated, but that is the most painful wire to run and I did remove them for this job, worth a 2nd check.
The plugs have ~3 - 4K on them.

I thought the rears did switch, just much slower then the fronts, but good to know.
I did check the wire and how it was seated, but that is the most painful wire to run and I did remove them for this job, worth a 2nd check.
The plugs have ~3 - 4K on them.
The rear O2 show a voltage. Above a set point voltage it will throw a CEL.

Why not remove them and clean them yourself Or even rebuild them with a kit On the spot
i have a Ultrasonic cleaner from Amazon And that thing will clean some injectors

Did you clear the PCM after installing the injectors?
