My 98 5.0 Ranger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 98 5.0 Ranger


December 27, 2014
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 50 Ranger

engine bay, since this pic was taken, MSD coils have been added. Currently, removing all the AC stuff and cleaning it up.

1998 Ranger, has a 1999 Explorer 5.0 engine and auto tranny. Tranny, has a manual valve body. OD is controlled via a toggle swith for highway cruising. The rearend, is an 8.8 with 3.73 gears. Still making changes, and adding to it. In the next few weeks, a new B&M Z gate shifter, exhaust and some interior mods will get done. She is more of a weekend toy/drag toy, though I do drive it to work a couple days a week. The wheels are two piece, 14x7 on front and 15x8 on the back. I like the stance, but not happy with the front springs so some new ones will be worked in at some point. She is fun to drive, and love the second looks she gets when I fire her up. More fun, than old people should be able to have. ;)

Feel free to through suggestions, or knock her around :thumbsup:

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Sweet but where is the engine bay pics? There is nothing like a v8 in a ranger.

Looks good!

Yea, they do sort of become works in progress and yea, it's a truck Ford darn well should have built.

Even with a mostly stock Explorer 5.0, mine is a hoot to drive, and I tamed the torque a bit with a 3.27 gear set in the diff. With the 3.73 it'd be a riot!

One of these days I'll be finished with mine but at least it does not look too hacked up.

I don't like the fit of the 5.0 fan shroud, think I'm going to try the original 3.0 modded to fit the radiator.


Truly sick. That is a beautiful truck.

Finally got dry enough to do some more tinkering, scored big time last week and located a worthy hood. Still have to work on the lines a little, but I am really pleased with the look. It's is all metal, with a complete liner.




WOW! Don't think I've ever seen a Ranger hood like that, and in all metal to boot!

sweet. i have a 99 that i would love to do this to, just no time. Very nice truck.

I love your conversion, and yes, the Ranger should have had this engine and the diesel, but ford hates us (market share excuses are lame.)

My 99 4.0L V6 is getting close to its EOL, and I was talking to my mechanic about replacing it (Same for same). He offered to put a 5.0 he has in the shop, in my truck. He said "It sounds like fun!" and I just chuckled and shook my head.

However, after some research here and elsewhere (and peer pressure) it seems more and more likely I'll commit to this. My mechanic's 5.0 has been sitting for a year and a half, and is supposedly for a project car of his, but he said "Paying customer trumps project car every time." :D

I checked with the DEQ for Virginia, and the emissions regs for this as of 2015 are basically this: which ever is newer, is the year\make standard you must meet. So if the Chassis is newer than the engine, you use the chassis month\year of manufacture to determine which emissions limits you must comply with. If the engine is newer, then you use its month\year manufacture blah blah blah.

Now, I'm no lawyer, so I don't claim to be an expert and you are at your own risk. My plan is to find a 99 5.0 that's newer than my truck, just to be safe.

Still, this won't be cheap but from what I've read, this would\will be divine...unless I luck into one of those diesels....
