Completed Project - My 98 super charged EX | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Completed Project My 98 super charged EX

Use this prefix for completed projects that are not "How to" articles or threads asking for help.
1998 Explorer 4.0 SOHC
Bought it with a melted alternator/wiring harness from a junkyard for $1,000
Fixed it, drove it for two weeks, then I boosted it.
Started with an M90 supercharger kit from
Upgraded to an M112 Lightning supercharger that was a prototype kit.
Next was the M122 off a 2012 GT500
I have reached 20 lbs of boost (with ARP head studs) and a 12.83 in a quarter mile.

1. How it looked when I brought it home.
2.The M90 supercharger installed
3.The GT500 supercharger installed
4.How it looks now
green ex.jpg
Lowered Rear.jpg
Exploder wheelie.jpg

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Looks nice. theres some subtle changes/customizations (even in the s/c kit) that I like.


Hi kabukie, Your truck looks real good.
How come you got rid of the SC?
I was wondering what changes to the sc kit you noticed?

Took a picture of the M90 when I was rebuilding it with new bearings/seals.


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M90 supercharger

Some pictures of the M90 supercharger installed.



Small alt.JPG
small wire.JPG
Brought back from the dead

One man's trash is another man's treasure.
I bought this Explorer from a junkyard. It had a salvage title due to the alternator catching fire and burning the engine wiring harness. For 50 bucks I purchased the alternator and wiring harness from Harry's upullit in Pennsburg.
About 5 hours later it was running, however it took 5 months of running around to get the title converted to a reconstructed one that could be registered. I drove it for two weeks and decided to boost it.

New Idler Pulley Bracket added

Had to get a little more wrap around the altenator so I added a new idler pulley and bracket.


New Headlights and Tailights


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Electric Cooling Fan

Old Cooling Fan and shroud.
Check out the thread rivet tool.
Installing a Flexalite 180 Black Magic Extreme with supplied controller.


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More Pics

Supplied Controller.
Thread Rivets and Stuff.


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nice sport and does ur sport got hids on it and how many k r they if u do got hids

and do u got a video of ur sport i would love to hear how that supercharger sounds


Thanks Sams01XplrSprt,
These Headlights are not HID's, they are projector lights.They are a little better than stock, but not as good as HID's. I have seen a write up somewhere about hid conversion, might damage projectors though in the long run.


u got video clip of ur supercharger at all. I was thinkin of getting a supercharger for mine.


I think I have some video somewhere, or I can make one. How does everyone post video on this forum? I have Elite Explorer status and can post pics but never tried video yet. By the way, in your sig, what does lowered windshields mean?

i lowered the windshield wipers in the front they are lowered


you can join and put videos of your sport on there.

video clip

Here's the video of the M90 set up running.

sounds awesome

Is that from a supercharged thunderbird.

I remember I used to have a 89 supercharged tbird it was bright red and it was fully fully loaded it was bright red and it had 17s on it and it had the auto lamp feature and power windows and power locks and alarm and it had cd player and it had like a 500 watt system in too.

I was so pissed when this a hole hit the passenger side they damaged it real bad. I wish i didn't get rid of it I wish I went to a wrecking yard to see if they had a passenger side door. It had 107k miles on it and I miss real bad. I loved it a lot and it had power. I am so sad that i had to let it go.

But here is a pic I took the picture at this place like 10 min away from my parents place when i was still living in the bay area.

Check it out and tell me whatcha ya think.


4pointslow, love your Explorer. That is one mean sleeper, though the new lighting threw it off for me, but a real pretty rig nonetheless. The little touches like the sticker are neat.

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T Bird

That was one nice looking Tbird, It must have been a sad day when you got hit.
My Supercharger is off a 1993 Supercoupe. I bought the supercharger off ebay and rebuilt it. Works awesome. Way more involved than I thought putting it on, and I have been tunning it myself with SCT proracer software and making upgrades ever since. Thats ok with me cause all I think about for 24 hours a day is automobiles, its in my blood. I am loving every minute of it.
You ever think of getting another T-Bird? I had a 1994 but it was not supercharged so I gave ot to my dad and he drove it for a year and sold it.
