My turbocharged 2000 5.0 AWD.... | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My turbocharged 2000 5.0 AWD....

I just wanted to show off my DIY remote build. The truck is an AWD 2000 5.0 Explorer. - I like to think of it as an AWD SUV Mustang:) This truck actually was lifted with tube bumpers, safari rack, and 32" ATs on 20" wheels just a few months ago- it has undergone a big transformation here lately. It is now lowered slightly in the front with the rear at stock height(with sagging springs). I kept the same wheels but put smaller tires on them and added 2" spacers. Now onto the turbo...

The Turbo is a T04E 57trim which turned out to be perfect for remote mounting. It is a little small if one wanted 10psi+, but I planned on 6psi max and fast spool. I am using the stock exhaust with muffler delete to the turbo, then a 3" mandrel bent tailpipe. In the tailpipe is my AEM wideband o2 sensor. For charge pipe, I bought a 2" mandrel bent intercooler kit along with some 2" pipe from my local muffler shop. For couplers, I am using cut pieces of 2" ID radiator hose. It can be bought from Advance Auto pretty cheaply- I got one piece that was a large 90 for $13 and had some left over. I just cut it into the desired length with a bandsaw. The charge pipe goes to a 2" to 2.5" steel adapter, then into a 2.5" to 3" silicone coupler from AutoZone. This coupler feeds into my 3" BOV adapter then into the 3" mandrel bend aluminum pipe leading into the engine bay. I brought the 3" down pretty far to try and eliminate turbulence in the MAF.

I am using an STS oil pump to return the oil back to the oil filler neck. I got the pump from an STS dealer who upgraded a customers car to their high volume pump. I am using the nipple that originally had the vent hose to the intake for the oil return fitting- I am using a vented push in oil cap to make up for it. It was alot easier this way than tapping the oil cap like STS does.

I haven't had it tuned yet but it will break the tires loose from a rolling start in 1st gear(remember, I am AWD), and I have full boost almost immediately. I already have a 6psi spring for the wastegate that will go in when I put on the 30lb injectors and Cobra fuel pump.

Here are the pictures and it you have any questions just ask.


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rocket its that right thats what they call u dont mine me put u seem to talk alot about pretty much any thing or try to make a statement about anything if i was u thank god im not but try to look at thing in a simple way if thats not to much to ask off u i think the point off the subjet here was the ability to mount a rear turbo kit in a explorer not how much the stock bottom end was going to last or trying to see was the first thing that was going to break as we all know that the stock block can only handle 550 to the crank

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rocket its that right thats what they call u dont mine me put u seem to talk alot about pretty much any thing or try to make a statement about anything if i was u thank god im not but try to look at thing in a simple way if thats not to much to ask off u i think the point off the subjet here was the ability to mount a rear turbo kit in a explorer not how much the stock bottom end was going to last or trying to see was the first thing that was going to break as we all know that the stock block can only handle 550 to the crank

Holy moly man, please try to put together a real sentence if you want people to understand what you mean. I could only get about 1/4 of the way through that before I gave up because my eyes hurt. Type your message in a more readable format and I will attempt to read/understand it again.

10-4, agreed with Rocket's last comment. That must be a 200 word "sentance".

there's no punctuation at all.

I think what he was trying to say is that rocket is the man and he wan't to be just like him?

there's no punctuation at all.

I think what he was trying to say is that rocket is the man and he wan't to be just like him?

That's what I got from it!!

All I got from that post was a headache... i yie yie!

Compressor map?:dunno: What the hell is one of those?LOL!:p: Never heard of such a thing....Ok I'm just joking.

James - I think it's a shop map that locates where your air compressor is? Just a guess.:p:

No i dont want to be like rocket, its tha fact that he tryes to be the smart guy all the time, and write all over the web side , for that matter i challenge him to a race against my truck, when he is done with his truck, and see who is the smart guy call me 630 307 9798 ask for leo jr

Be sure to film the race. I've looked around piecing together what you have and I don't think you have enough to hang with rocket. No offence but go ahead and race him and see what happens.

I'm assuming you were pretty much wasted on the 200 word post.

No i dont want to be like rocket, its tha fact that he tryes to be the smart guy all the time, and write all over the web side , for that matter i challenge him to a race against my truck, when he is done with his truck, and see who is the smart guy call me 630 307 9798 ask for leo jr

Leo, your just a craptalking punk kid who makes statements and does not back anything up. Umm, whatever happened to that transmission case that you were planning on getting me for my mock up testing??? Yeah, you said "I will work on that and get back to you". That was how long ago? Three plus months??? Talk about not following through with what you say. It is ok if you couldn't get your daddy to ok things. It is just like any other typical kid who makes a promise and then realizes that they cannot back it up. At least have the professional courtesy to inform me that you cannot do what you promised. :rolleyes:

If you will notice I don't post any kind of comments or advice in the stereo section or the offroader section. Why may you ask??? Because I don't know squat about that stuff so I keep my mouth shut because there are MANY people in there that have forgotten more in one nights sleep about audio than I would ever know in a lifetime. I do however know one hell of allot about performance and will make a comment or give advice if I see it is needed. I could care less if you agree with the frequency of my advice given or not. It is sound advice given by someone who knows their stuff inside and out so why be bothered by good information given? Overall I get the impression that for some reason, unknown to me, that you are jealous. I do not base my assessment upon your mere questioning of my reasons for posting advice in these threads, but more upon the TONE in which you present yourself. You are most definately barking up the wrong tree if you feel you have any room to challenge my experience with this stuff as well as the advice and information I give.

Your last post that I quoted above seems like it was aimed at me personally instead of from a technical standpoint. I don't have time for children like you that get pissed off when they see someone more knowledgeable than them. Had you actually been at least a little respectful, instead of like a ****y teenager trying to talk over a seasoned veteran then maybe I would bother to actually talk tech with you. Through our few conversations on the phone you struck me as someone who knew enough to get themself into trouble but nowhere near enough to get back out of it; when talking to someone who actually knows what they are doing.

BTW, this so called truck you want to race me in? You sure it is not your dads truck? Besides, what does smarts/knowledge have to do with having a faster vehicle? I have lots of friends that could barely install an exhaust but still have MUCH faster cars than I do. Does that make them more knowledgeable with vehicles by default? Of course not. Talk about comparing apples to oranges.

Had I known you were just some kid in his dads tranny shop I would have never bothered with you. I prefer to deal with professionals not ****y kids who talk crap because they have some sort of an ego problem.

Ease off the personal-ish attacks noob and you might just survive long enough in here to dig yourself out of the hole you're creating for yourself.

So Justin--how's you truck running?

Good hint bro. ;) Kaylene, leo or whatever you want to call yourself, PM me if you want to continue your spoken diarrhea. OR you could make a thread about it and I can call you out in public? Whichever one you prefer.

Justin, sorry about this issue with kaylene and myself in your thread. I hope you understand that I cannot allow someone to defame me in public like that.

Back on topic. :salute:

So Justin--how's you truck running?

:) I am waiting for some new parts to come in. My 80mm LMAF should be here monday, and then I have to install my fuel pump. I changed my mind from the 90mm MAF because I wanted to stick with 3" charge pipe.

:) I am waiting for some new parts to come in. My 80mm LMAF should be here monday, and then I have to install my fuel pump. I changed my mind from the 90mm MAF because I wanted to stick with 3" charge pipe.

Please tell me no pro-m stuff will be on your truck!

Which fuel pump did you decide on?

Please tell me no pro-m stuff will be on your truck!

Which fuel pump did you decide on?

no Pro-M for me, I am going with a 2000 Lightning MAF. It is 80mm where the newer ones are 90mm. If I was to put that 90mm into my 3" charge pipe, I would limit the range of the meter more. For the fuel pump, I am going with a SVT Focus pump. For pumps, I am pretty much limited to the SVT pump, one from an Aviator, and one from a GT- but they all flow about the same. If I go for more power with a built engine in the future, I'll have to go with duals like Rocket- but I am sticking with returnless.

Please tell me no pro-m stuff will be on your truck!

Which fuel pump did you decide on?

[sarcasm]What is so bad about Pro-M???[/sarcasm] :bsnicker:

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Rocket, has a true returnless system. You have a returnless but is really a modified return style per se. I would highly recommend you using a walbro 255LPH rather than a Focus pump. I have highlighted this many times before in previous post. Now if you had a true returnless the Focus pump would be good.
