National Linemen Appreciation Day | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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National Linemen Appreciation Day


Get a Load O' This Guy!
Elite Explorer
December 22, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 4x4
National Linemen Day is 4/18! (Today) Take the time to thank a linemen today, the ones who work through rain snow heat everything, the ones in the background that keep electricity flowing. They often go unnoticed, or we only realize them when we get our power back, but they are there day in day out! It is certainly not for the faint of heart, but they are folks we need! As a utility family, hats off to all the linemen today!

Years ago on Christmas day, an eagle decided to fry itself on the power lines and blew the fuse to the transformer. Called the power company and they said someone will be there in 15 minutes. Initially, I'm thinking yeah right on Christmas day? 10 minutes later the truck was backed up to the pole and the guy worked his magic.

Years ago on Christmas day, an eagle decided to fry itself on the power lines and blew the fuse to the transformer. Called the power company and they said someone will be there in 15 minutes. Initially, I'm thinking yeah right on Christmas day? 10 minutes later the truck was backed up to the pole and the guy worked his magic.
Definitely. These guys work amazing hours and they get it done.
