Wanted - Need a M5OD-R1 2WD Trans or Tailshaft!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Need a M5OD-R1 2WD Trans or Tailshaft!!

Parts or services wanted


May 10, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Bellefonte, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
I'm converting my X to 2WD and need either a 2WD 5 speed trans or a tail shaft so i can eliminate my t-case! I'm willing to trade my entire 4X4 driveline in exchange for either and maybe a little $ ! Also does anyone know what would be a good set of rear gears to use since i'm going 2WD and building up my 4.0 OHV for more power!

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No but i might! What kind of condition is it in?

HOLY CRAP! I wish you were closer too! I'm trying to swap 4WD in on my 2WD rig. my tranny is in great condition too. You'd also be able to have my 2WD spindles and everything. I wish I could afford a road trip :(

Lacky if you think about it though we probably couldnt even go to a junk yard and buy what we need for what it would cost to ship each other our parts! On the other hand if you have a place and tools i may consider a road trip to swap everything!

I have a 2wd manual trans from a 1991 X lying on the ground here (pulled it a couple weeks ago) It was pulled from a truck that threw rod years back (about 5 years ago) and was then parked.

I have no idea what it would take to ship, but its currently sitting at 85641 if you want to get an idea of how bad shipping would be.

I'll have to check to see how cheap it can go for, but in general, parts have been going for a little more than scrap is willing to pay for it (depends on how hard things are to take out).


Lacky if you think about it though we probably couldnt even go to a junk yard and buy what we need for what it would cost to ship each other our parts! On the other hand if you have a place and tools i may consider a road trip to swap everything!

I have a place with tools! I'm game for that. I'd have to make sure its ok with my folks as its their place we'd be using, but other than that... :D
