Need to replace the water pump, but what else would you guys recommend? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need to replace the water pump, but what else would you guys recommend?


January 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT 4dr
So about two years ago i wanted to replace the pump along with the radiator just for peace of mind, have owned the truck since 2010 and it had 125k at the time, didnt know much about the maintenance on it, when it hit 150k i figure it was time for a new one, but the fan clutch nut was damaged and was unable to remove, so i just changed the radiator. It finally started leaking, a small drip here and there, i ordered parts and will be doing the job this saturday, got a new pump, fan clutch and blade, old clutch will need to be cut off.

So im wondering if you guys had any suggestions of other things i should replace at this time, has about 176k at the moment and besides regular oil changes i havent done any other maintenance, i did replace the air filter during the last oil change.

thanks in advance for any input

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As part of that job replace the t-stat as Tim mentioned and then both radiator hoses and the serpentine belt. While the belt is off check the belt tensioner and idler pullies for any roughness and replace them if they feel bad.

With 50k (since you owned it) and no other maintenance other than oil and air filter I would check/change spark plug wires, spark plugs and the fuel filter on the frame rail.

Transmission and brake fluid

I got a laugh out of 2stroke coming out of left field. Solid advice though :)

On top of what others have suggested, I'd say check the fan clutch.

Remember to get the front of the Explorer as high as you can to purge air out of the cooling system. If the radiator cap is higher than the base of the windshield it's great. The fan shroud should tell you which way to loosen the fan nut.

Thank for the advice, so i went ahead and replaced water pump and thermostat, checked hoses and was surprised that they were in good shape. Did new spark plugs, wires and new fuel filter, fuel filter needed changed for sure.

So since i was already replacing the fan and clutch along with the water pump, i ended up cutting off the fan blades and removing the radiator, after that i was able to remove the bolts from the water pump and removing the whole assembly together. i tried to cut off the clutch nut in order to separate the pulley and reuse it, but this was a no go. I bought a new pulley and installed everything. One small issue i had with the new fan was that it was a bit different the the stock one, this one came with a spacer, with the fan bolted straight to the clutch the blades would hit the radiator, with the spacer in place the head of the clutch bolts were almost right up against the water pump pulley bolts, making impossible to fit a clutch fan wrench. So i used some random 12mm nuts i had laying around as a spacer and it worked perfect, so far so good.

i took a couple of pics, if i figure out how to post them later i will

As part of that job replace the t-stat as Tim mentioned and then both radiator hoses and the serpentine belt. While the belt is off check the belt tensioner and idler pullies for any roughness and replace them if they feel bad.

With 50k (since you owned it) and no other maintenance other than oil and air filter I would check/change spark plug wires, spark plugs and the fuel filter on the frame rail.

i did check the pulleys and they all felt fine except for the a/c compressor, i just went ahead and found a belt without a/c and used that, ill take care of the air conditioning when the weather turns
