Need to upgrade base crappy 6 speaker system | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need to upgrade base crappy 6 speaker system


New Member
March 25, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Base
Just received the base 2013 Explorer with sync but the crappy 6 speaker system.
I don't need it to boom but want a decent system loud enough to hear the base. I have scoured this site and there is good stuff but not for the base radio.

1. Does the base radio have RCA out so i can add an 8 inch subwoofer to the back passenger wheel compartment?
2. Does anybody have the model number of the head unit like mine?
3. Most of you are connecting amps and wires via the existing amp. Since i don't have that, am i relagated to removing the head unit/console just to get to the wiring i need? How do i do that?
4. I think i am going to add a 4 channel amp, then wire the front four speakers in parallel which will bring it down to 2 ohms instead of 4 ohms. Then i will do the same with the rear speakers combined with a dual voice coil subwoofer. Thoughts? I think i can do this for a $100 shallow depth speaker i saw on here plus an amp i found. This may put some pressure on the factory speakers but i don't turn it up too loud and blowing/replacing them wouldn't be the worst thing

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You would have to remove part of the dash to get access behind the unit is going to be my guess. The most likely scenario for you is to use some sort of high output converter to take your speaker wires from the deck and turn them into RCA's. From there you can run it to an amp. Your main concern would be the sync, if there is somethign weird with that.

Forgot to mention, wouldn't take much to blow your speakers if they aren't meant to run at 2ohms


Thx to both of you. I will tear the dash apart when the weather breaks in a couple weeks and see how bad this is going to be. I hate pulling plastic parts that can snap in your hands, especially when the car isn't mine ;-)


the main thing is that there is nothing that runs the Ex through the unit. If there is none, all you would need is some line converters for your speakers to turn them into rca's and the rest should be pretty straight forward. Amp what you need and them add your sub. JL amps are usually rock solid but usually expensive. You can look at any of the Polk Audio and Clarion Amps. They may do what you need and at a cheaper price. I was looking at upgrading my sport but I don't feel like ripping apart a brand new truck. Not yet anyways :p

Thanks but

Thanks but that is the wiring diagram of tye XLT which has 8 speakers

I will just have to figure it out after i tear apart the dash. I really wanted to be able to order my parts ahead of time so i only have to do it once.

I am amazed at the small amount of information available on the newer Ford Explorers.
