New 2012 Ex Owner / Member | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New 2012 Ex Owner / Member


Active Member
September 22, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Cooper City, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Explorer Ltd 302a
Good afternoon All........My very excited wife and I take delivery on a 2012 Ex tomorrow. She's been an awsome mom and wife so i decided to splurge and get a black on black limited with 302a, dual moon, and 2nd row captains chairs. havent figured out how to post pics yet, not that anyone needs to see another photo of a stock black ex.

I belong to a RAM forum and have a 2010 RAM Bighorn with 5.7 Hemi. I've had some fun modding her out a bit. not sure what performance mods i'll do to the ex since it will be the family hauler. I suspect i'll spend some time on here learning about the world of MFT.......with fingers crossed i have minimal to no issues.

Anyways, just wanted to jump in head first and say hi......will post some pics down the road. look forward to participating :thumbsup: .

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Good afternoon All........My very excited wife and I take delivery on a 2012 Ex tomorrow. She's been an awsome mom and wife so i decided to splurge and get a black on black limited with 302a, dual moon, and 2nd row captains chairs. havent figured out how to post pics yet, not that anyone needs to see another photo of a stock black ex.

I belong to a RAM forum and have a 2010 RAM Bighorn with 5.7 Hemi. I've had some fun modding her out a bit. not sure what performance mods i'll do to the ex since it will be the family hauler. I suspect i'll spend some time on here learning about the world of MFT.......with fingers crossed i have minimal to no issues.

Anyways, just wanted to jump in head first and say hi......will post some pics down the road. look forward to participating :thumbsup: .
Congratulations on your upcoming delivery. :chug: And welcome to the Forum njafish. :wavey:
I'm sure that you will enjoy your Explorer as much as most of us do. I have only had a minor glitch with the MFT. It has happened a dozen times since I got it back in March but it is always the same one so I'm not in a rush to upgrade my Sync Version 2.4


Good afternoon All........My very excited wife and I take delivery on a 2012 Ex tomorrow. She's been an awsome mom and wife so i decided to splurge and get a black on black limited with 302a, dual moon, and 2nd row captains chairs. havent figured out how to post pics yet, not that anyone needs to see another photo of a stock black ex.

I belong to a RAM forum and have a 2010 RAM Bighorn with 5.7 Hemi. I've had some fun modding her out a bit. not sure what performance mods i'll do to the ex since it will be the family hauler. I suspect i'll spend some time on here learning about the world of MFT.......with fingers crossed i have minimal to no issues.

Anyways, just wanted to jump in head first and say hi......will post some pics down the road. look forward to participating :thumbsup: .

Congratulations! limited 302A is what I ordered too! Hope you love it!

Welcome to the forum, you'll like the x, we love ours a lot, still don't have a name for our MFT yet.

...Anyways, just wanted to jump in head first and say hi......will post some pics down the road. look forward to participating :thumbsup: .
Welcome to the forums, njafish! Congrats on your new Explorer arriving! You’ll be very happy with your purchase, like peterk9 said. :) We will love to see pics!


An exciting day today! Welcome to the forums and I hope you have a great weekend with your new Explorer.

It's coming...



Thanks for the warm welcome guys. We are pretty excited.....taking delivery at 5pm today.

well we got far so good.

 luck would have it murphy's law kicked in and kicked our ass. woke up this morning and took the new ex out to make a coffee run at DD and MFT went bananas. linda blair took hold of her and ruined what should have been a really nice new car experience. took her to the dealership and my sales man was unable to do much other then instruct me to do a hard reset by disconnecting the battery. so i took her home and did as instructed. fortunetly it seemed to have worked, however i have little faith it will hold.

more to come :mad: luck would have it murphy's law kicked in and kicked our ass. woke up this morning and took the new ex out to make a coffee run at DD and MFT went bananas. linda blair took hold of her and ruined what should have been a really nice new car experience. took her to the dealership and my sales man was unable to do much other then instruct me to do a hard reset by disconnecting the battery. so i took her home and did as instructed. fortunetly it seemed to have worked, however i have little faith it will hold.

more to come :mad:

Still have it or still enjoying it?
