New and need serious advice 2000 ford explorer fuel pump starter wire or what? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New and need serious advice 2000 ford explorer fuel pump starter wire or what?


New Member
May 18, 2024
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Winston, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer Ltd
Hi, I'm a 48 year old mother who has a 2000 Ford Explorer limited. V6. I bought it just under a year ago. It was someone's vacation car. Low miles, black with black windows. I just love it. I feel so comfortable in it. It has never given me trouble. I have a man who I cannot trust, which is why I'm on this forum. I am afraid he is sabotaging my explorer. I am now driving his car and he is very controlling, obviously. I had the car in my driveway which is on a slight hill. The man decided to wash the car and then said it won't start. It was low on gas but we got it started and I drove it to a store and had to have it towed home. Brother-in-law said he found the starter wire hanging loose under the car. It could have been grounding something out he said. We did get it started once but it didn't stay running. This car is mint condition. Always ran like a dream. Tried testing fuel cut off switch. I don't know. Got a new/ used battery and it gets ran down from trying to start it. Fuel pump is in tank but obviously we should check it. Code reader didn't work but allegedly the starter wire burnt something out? What do I do? Fill tank? It might be low on gas. Should I fill the gas tank? My man and in-law said the codes are wiped out of the car so a reader won't work. I'm being jerked around. I have no money. What should I check? Please tell me step by step. Thank you

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Hi, I'm a 48 year old mother who has a 2000 Ford Explorer limited. V6. I bought it just under a year ago. It was someone's vacation car. Low miles, black with black windows. I just love it. I feel so comfortable in it. It has never given me trouble. I have a man who I cannot trust, which is why I'm on this forum. I am afraid he is sabotaging my explorer. I am now driving his car and he is very controlling, obviously. I had the car in my driveway which is on a slight hill. The man decided to wash the car and then said it won't start. It was low on gas but we got it started and I drove it to a store and had to have it towed home. Brother-in-law said he found the starter wire hanging loose under the car. It could have been grounding something out he said. We did get it started once but it didn't stay running. This car is mint condition. Always ran like a dream. Tried testing fuel cut off switch. I don't know. Got a new/ used battery and it gets ran down from trying to start it. Fuel pump is in tank but obviously we should check it. Code reader didn't work but allegedly the starter wire burnt something out? What do I do? Fill tank? It might be low on gas. Should I fill the gas tank? My man and in-law said the codes are wiped out of the car so a reader won't work. I'm being jerked around. I have no money. What should I check? Please tell me step by step. Thank you
Hi, sorry to hear the bad news. Without giving too much personal info, there are many, many helpful folks on this forum.
Most have a trouble shooting program called "ForScan" albeit sounds weird, the program finds issues other OBD2 scanners miss. Just give a mention as to which part of the U.S. or World you reside, informed suggestions will be sent your way.

Check all the fuses

The large red wire to the starter is always hot so if it touched a ground it can cause some issues / fuses to blow

Also check that the correct fuses are in the correct spots, it is easy to disable one of these rigs by moving a fuse or two into incorrect locations

Does the theft light go off while cranking the starter? If you have a flashing theft light it will never start

Get rid of the controlling male in your life you don’t need him
Washing a car does not cause a no start
I would not let him near my truck that is for sure

Hi, sorry to hear the bad news. Without giving too much personal info, there are many, many helpful folks on this forum.
Most have a trouble shooting program called "ForScan" albeit sounds weird, the program finds issues other OBD2 scanners miss. Just give a mention as to which part of the U.S. or World you reside, informed suggestions will be sent your way.
Thank you, I live in Oregon

Hi, I'm a 48 year old mother who has a 2000 Ford Explorer limited. V6. I bought it just under a year ago. It was someone's vacation car. Low miles, black with black windows. I just love it. I feel so comfortable in it. It has never given me trouble. I have a man who I cannot trust, which is why I'm on this forum. I am afraid he is sabotaging my explorer. I am now driving his car and he is very controlling, obviously. I had the car in my driveway which is on a slight hill. The man decided to wash the car and then said it won't start. It was low on gas but we got it started and I drove it to a store and had to have it towed home. Brother-in-law said he found the starter wire hanging loose under the car. It could have been grounding something out he said. We did get it started once but it didn't stay running. This car is mint condition. Always ran like a dream. Tried testing fuel cut off switch. I don't know. Got a new/ used battery and it gets ran down from trying to start it. Fuel pump is in tank but obviously we should check it. Code reader didn't work but allegedly the starter wire burnt something out? What do I do? Fill tank? It might be low on gas. Should I fill the gas tank? My man and in-law said the codes are wiped out of the car so a reader won't work. I'm being jerked around. I have no money. What should I check? Please tell me step by step. Thank you
1. The red power wire on the starter is bolted in place.
2. If the fuel gauge needle is on E, its empty.
it could low fuel in the tank. You need to have at least 5 gallons( over 2) of fuel in the tank.
When you turn the key too the on position you can hear the fuel pump prime( turn on) for a few second.
3. The codes will always come back, if you have a issue( codes) with the engine. You can check for codes at any time. If you don't have any codes great! No issues. If you go any AutoZone or advance or o'reilly's auto part store, they read for codes for free.
If there no check engine light, you don't have a issue.
4. The fuel pump cut off switch has a indicator symbol on the dash. If you Trip the fuel pump cut off switch, it will illuminate. ( fix, just push the red button back down in, too reset it). ( the switch is hidden away in the passenger side kick panel).
5. In summary your situation, ( your man and your Brother-in-law) Could be the blind leading the blind.

Step 1. Keep any clown that tells you what to do away from your car.

Step 2. Keep any clown that you don't trust away from your car.

Step 3. Listen to 410Fortune, he is the leading authority on 2nd-gen Ford Explorers around here.

Step 4. Pete Deering is right - personally, I'd triple-check both the fuse panel and the relays in the box under the hood. Besides having fuses and relays in the correct locations, verify that they are all the correct ratings. If you have the factory owner's manual, there is a chart in there with all of the information you will need. Putting a lower-amperage fuse in a slot may cause it to blow during normal operation, and putting a higher-amperage fuse in a slot may result in a fire in the event that the fuse is actually required to do its job.

Step 5. If the starter wire is loose, that's an easy fix. If the starter wire is loose and/or bears signs of tampering (such as clean spots on a dirty part - I keep my cars dirty, it's easy to tell if somebody has been touching it, and, nobody wants to park near me - or any scrapes, gouges, or the like) then you may wish to contact the authorities.

Step 6. Disclaimer: I am not recommending this course of action. I am merely reminding you that thousands of other women have gotten what they wanted by using it.

Getting rid of men that you don't like has never been easier, especially since you're a woman. All the better for you, if your offspring is legally minors. I DO NOT recommend using kids as leverage, but if you want to take it to court, you could basically get whatever outcome you want. Don't abuse this.

All you really have to do is call the police and tell them you suspect he has tampered with your vehicle, or whatever, and that you don't trust him around your property. IF THE PROPERTY BELONGS TO YOU, you can also set up cameras (in less-than-obvious locations) to monitor your vehicle and record the things other people do with it, but be aware that cameras relying on Internet connections can be hacked and monitored by others.

If the property does not belong to you, nice! Just pack your things and go somewhere else. Explorers have lotsa room in the back.

Step 7. Please follow up after you decide what to do with your Explorer. Many people start threads and never follow up, so we never know if the issues were resolved, or even proplerly checked out.
