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New Explorer St


Elite Explorer
June 28, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Bronx, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Explorer ST
Hello from NYC,

I just purchased a brand new 2023 Explorer ST in Forged Green. I wanted to drop in and say hello. Looking forward to learning more and upgrading the ST.




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Welcome to the forum! You'll definitely find pretty much anything you're looking for here if ya search or ask for it! A clean rig there! What kind of upgrades are planning so far?

Welcome to the forum! You'll definitely find pretty much anything you're looking for here if ya search or ask for it! A clean rig there! What kind of upgrades are planning so far?
Definitely an exhaust. I’m coming from a Hemi charger so this stock exhaust is killing me!

Welcome. Nice looking Explorer.

Definitely an exhaust. I’m coming from a Hemi charger so this stock exhaust is killing me!
That's fair, I'm sure you'll find some clips and suggestions here too, wish ya luck on it!
