New here looking to add drop charger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New here looking to add drop charger


New Member
April 27, 2024
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City, State
Lakewood, co
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Hey. My 5th ford. Currently driving a f150. Got the wife a XLT explorer. They don't come with drop chargers till limited which is totally primitive. Anyone know what parts I need to upgrade this? I found the part for the charger...I just don't know if the connections are there. Help suggestions info appreciated.


You didn't mention which model year...

If the connections aren't there, add your own wire, tap into same circuit, or whichever you want. They don't take enough current to make much difference when budgeting for which circuit has enough to spare. How about the USB port circuit for example, if it has one based on model year. I don't recall if the USB port is always live though, I wouldn't want it powered all the time, when engine is off if the idle current is more than about 10mA, or put it on a switch to turn it off for periods when it won't be driven for more than a couple days to prevent deeper battery discharge but then you'd have to remember to do that.

Also this forum is about new member introductions. Your topic will probably have more views by fellow owners of same generation vehicle if you have it moved to that generation's subforum.

