Nice to be a foreign camp | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Nice to be a foreign camp


New Member
April 19, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Coatesville, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
Hi all. Just signed up for a specific problem with a friends Explorer. I am really a dyed in the wool Chrysler guy - 69 Charger, 70 Superbee, 71 Scamp, 1990 Dakota (current ride). I have owned several Fords and I really can not say tha I have had a good experience there.

Had an 88 BroncoII - Bearings went out, a 90 Sable that had the bearings go out and I fixed them for a friend and later bought the car for $250 and drove it 9 months till it was totaled in the winter (I loved that car), 96 Windstar - guess what happened? Bearings went out. Three Fords, three bottom ends. I do not know if that is typical or not. All had 100K or more but I had a 85 Pontiac Bonny with 3.8L and 300K, an 85 S10 with 273K, the charger had almost 200K and the Scamp had about 175K and never had any problems with bottom end. Maybe I am just unlucky.

Any way this is not about badmouthing Fords because this is just my experience and I know a lot of Ford people with no complaints at all. You can tell I am a car guy by nature and I really do not care what name is on the car if it looks good and runs well. If we all stayed in the same camp what would be the fun?

I am happy to be here so please do not beat me up yo badly, after all I am but a lowly Chrysler fan. Take pity on me.

Thanks for having me!

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No ones perfect, welcom to the forum

wait what? did you get rid of the 69' charger ...poor general lee...?

welcome to the forum

Welcome to Explorer Forum! I'me a closet GM and Mopar guy. Don't tell.:shifty_ey

