Off to the dark side... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Off to the dark side...


Linux Guru, Jack of All Trades
Staff member
Elite Explorer
January 17, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Pinole, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 F250/XLT Superduty
Yea, so sorry, it's a 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon..

Off to bolt on heaven!



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That was the problem.

I just do not have the time to fab anything, let alone design it!

Sigh. I love the design/build/break it, but $$$ and time dictate other things..

You going to put a "WayALife" sticker across the top of the windshield?

Seriously, I like the Rubicons, and I like that color. Let the bolt-on build begin!!!

Are you still going to flat tow behind the superduty? It needs a "Its a jeep thing you wouldn't understand" sticker on the windshield.

No, he's all set. It already has the "trail rated" badges.

Sent from my XT907 using Forum Runner

Yes, flat tow it behind the Superduty is the plan. Tow bar plates are expensive, almost cheaper to get an aftermarket bumper.

I need the sticker that says 'Mall Rated'.

Yes, flat tow it behind the Superduty is the plan. Tow bar plates are expensive, almost cheaper to get an aftermarket bumper.

I need the sticker that says 'Mall Rated'.

The OEM bumpers are kind of fugly anyway. Its a good starting point for the bolt-on extravaganza!!
Oh, wait.... It needs a rock cover over the front though. Wouldn't want to chip the paint while towing it down the highway.

I agree on the stock bumper. Hope to see you more on the trail Tom. For that matter I hope I can get on the trail again sometime with the EF crew.

Zukmam cheated she bought an H3 lol 456 gears, elec lockers front and rear from the factory.
Not too much left to have to bolt on.

Actually... the H3 is supposed to be training wheels before stepping up to an Explorer with an SAS :D

That's what I was thinking. Isn't he going backward, not forward??

I don't even pretend to understand. I just nod ;)

Guys its my daily driver, its not his, and it comes from the factory with everything the Jeep people have to add on, so I don't have to hear "Do you work on it? Then its not yours"

...:scratch:...I still don't get it..:dunno:

I'm still waiting for Fakrwee to explain the benefits of his new ride..

Normally we have to go to a Jeep forum to have this kind of fun.

Sent from my XT907 using Forum Runner

Lol Lets get something straight! The H3 is NOT a Jeep!!! It's a stylized military vehicle!! Lol and it comes ready to wheel. However its just way too pretty to get dirty!! Thats what the Explorers are for! And seeing as I have never been allowed to offroad , why would I start driving a vehicle that could get me in big trouble? I'll start in a stock, but designed for offroad vehicle first then move to the modified daredevil version in January!
Key thing is if you don't want to risk scratches or dents don't big dog it, thus the H3 will be trail only!

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Is TD paying you to distract us (thread hijack) from the real issue; he bought a pre-fabbed wheeler??
