oil change without washer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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oil change without washer


Well-Known Member
August 11, 2013
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City, State
Brandon, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
okay, so i did my oil change today. I removed the plug and realized I lost the washer. I installed back just the plug, but I'm wondering if I will really need the washer. If I do, can I just wait till the next oil change to put a new one back? thanks

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You probably haven't any replies because it's there for a reason, to seal and prevent leaks. Do it right and install one, sleep well.

You could chance it but it will leak. The washer is there to seal the drain plug bolt onto the oil pan. You can go to any parts store to get a new drain plug (it's actually suggested to do this after a couple changes if not everytime) remove the old one, let the new oil drain into a drain pan, install the new plug then pour the drained "new" oil back into the engine.

If that's the drain plug you have it looks like the gasket is built in. I would warm the engine up and just verify that it's not leaking and you should be good to go.

I would get a new plug in case it leaks. If no leak, install the new plug or the next oil change.
