P0402 Code on a 97 5.0? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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P0402 Code on a 97 5.0?


Active Member
March 5, 2003
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Spokane, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer XLT 5.0
P0402 Code on a 97 5.0? (EGR)

Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Detected (EGR). Where is this on my 97? And i believe i read something that in 98 they went to an internal EGR? Thanks for any help, Richard

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Nobody knows anything about replacing egr valve on a 5.0? Thanks, Richard

WEll, some things to check before you go replacing the EGR. This error can also be thrown by damaged EGR/DPFE tubes.

On the passenger side Valve Exhaust Manifold, you should have a corrugated tube that comes off the Manifold and goes up to the back of the Intake Manifold. Coming off of this tube is a few Rubber Hoses. These attach to the EGR/DPFE Sensors. You need to first check these Rubber hoses and make sure they haven't cracked. If they have, replace them and see if that solves the problem.

I had this exact thing happen to me at about 78k miles and this solved it. Next would be to remove the DPFE and the EGR and test them to ensure that they are damaged before you replace them. They aren't cheap and often times just taking them out and looking at them for obvious problems will clear things up without spending any money (or very little).

I personally haven't replaced the EGR, but I have heard that its a major pain int he Arse because of its location, so my suggestion would be to go get a Haynes Repair manual before you go any further and look through it as it will tell you how to get at the EGR and test it as well as the DPFE.

Haynes manuals are a requirement for anyone who wants to work on their car, you won't spend $20 in any better way.

Good luck man.

I don't have a tube that comes off of my passenger side exhaust header? Now what? Thanks, Richard

You must have an early build 97, which is similar to the 96s with Internal EGR and GT40 heads.

So if i do, then what next. Ford tells me that there is a sensor that tells the egr to open and close. They say there replace them more then the egr? Where do i find this egr and is it hard to get to? Thanks, Richard

I don't personally know where the EGR is on the model with the internal version, but the sensor that Ford is saying is more common to go out than the EGR is the DPFE sensor. On a '96, I don't know where its located, but I can look it up in my Haynes when I get home and try and tell you where it is from there.
