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PA Rally team 'eXtreme'

Chris, you an't a Cheby guy, and you seem to know enough about the Explorer:D come one people, who wants in on this. Hell, you get to hang out with us nut jobs! What more could you ask for?:p

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Hell, you get to hang out with us nut jobs! What more could you ask for

Money? :confused: :D

Oh yeah, who's team am I on anyway? Does it matter or are we gonna do this like Dodgeball in middle school and play favorites? lol ( just you remember who will be doing the donut runs in the middle of the night!)

Hmmmmm.... I think I may have to skip this unless the gas prices drop. I just paid $35 to fill up. :fire: So that means I will drop 70 bucks in gas for this trip. :eek:

Must suck to have that big ass 21 gallon tank, Cj! :D Seriously, gas prices are supposed to drop around the end of February, or so I hear on the news..

If you want, you can park it at camp Lizard (maybe in the garage so it doesn't get shot, Chris?) and ride with me..that's another thing we need to discuss- are the support team driving their own trucks or would it be wise to bring along the bigger ones, like Matt's black one and the DeRanger? (I'm assuming that you guys are okay with having somebody else drive your trucks, if not feel free to put me in my place! ;) )

the garage sounds good. :)

yeah, my friend John, is supposed to come up for this, he'll be driving the DeRanger. I figure, we can load that up with all the dirty crap that no one want's in their truck, and with 8"+ of lift, I don't need to worry about bottoming out:D

Well now that the rat's truck is movable ill hopefully be able to get my truck in the garage and start getting some work done on it. I plan on adding a couple sets of lights, installing AALs and figureing out WTF in my driveline has so much play in it... im afraid its something in the tranny or front axle :mad:

Lemme guess, the play was evident after our last run at Paragon???

If so, it's probably your powertrax. They add a bit of play to the drivetrain. With the one installed in my X, I could roll the truck several inches in either direction when it was in park.

There was already play in my driveline but its very noticable now. I kinda figured it was the powertrax. Im off to lowes to get some steel so i can make up tabs to mount my lights on my brushgaurd. while im working on the truck im gonna get underneath it and see what is making all the nosie.

I dont think things can go much worse.... I got alot of things to finish b4 the rally, and ofcourse, I get sick as hell, and really messed up my back the other night. this really sux!!!!!

In other news... my tires will be here on tuesday, so who wants my old ones?

Lizard sorry to hear about that hope you get better man..

what size are your tires?? if there 33s i'll buy em but if their 35s. sorry but i'll need to remove both front fenders to mount those in there.

what kind are they any way.. they look like genral grabbers but i ain't sure.

Cooper discoverys, and their 35's

good news, My 2 friends are still in, hopefully the support truck will be raod worthy:D Hey Chris, since you were in Flemingotn, why didn't you stop in, ony 15 min from there

Hey Lizard....I have some serious questions for ya here:

1) Ok, so far we have going: Chris M, Doug, Matt, and Shaun are the teams--- Lindsy, CJ, Jeff, John and Jamie are on support. (lol, I'm gonna sound like such a hussy) Isn't there some kind of hotel law prohibiting 9 people from staying in the same room??


2) The second night will be in Pine Grove, which is an hour from camp Lizard...wouldn't it be easier to just get a second hotel room in Pine Grove?

I figure if we all split the cost, it should only be $8-9 a person per night.....

What's the plan?????

What the hotel doesnt know wont hurt them. I dont mind only having one hotel room becasue it will help keep cost down. If one person gets the room, I dont see any way of them knowing that there are 9 people sleeping in it... if it's even a problem.


I'm gonna make the reservations for Comfort Inn in Johnstown and Comfort Inn in Pine Grove since Lizard's got his hands full...

We'll just figure out who owes who what on the 6th when we're all fighting over floor space, lol

OK folks, where do we stand on this?? It's been mighty quiet lately..... Are both trucks ready??? What do you want the support teams to bring?

OK, I agree with jeff we need to set some concrete plans for thursday. As far as tools and such bring along anything you might think we could use. I for one am going to pack up every damn tool i have and am bringing it along. Also pack ALOT of clothes the weather this weekend isnt supposed to be good. We also need to set plans on where we're all meeting and such. Do we want to meet @ chris's and then go as a group or make our way out there seperately? I for one would like to go as a group. Im gonna have my truck loaded with tools and parts etc and im gonna have 2 other passengers and i dont think who ever is sitting in back wants to stay crammed in the back of my truck. also does everyone have a good, working, reliable CB in thier truck thats driving? I think everyone does but im gonna throw that out there. Um i cant think of anything else right now, but im sure something else will come to me. Also Chris are you gonna make up stickers for out trucks? I figure we should have something that mentions XX and wastedtrails. Im thinking something kinda small like 6"x6" or something and put them on the rear quarter panels.

In the land of the blind, Muskrat is king
What the hell....? LOL I thought Lizard had that market cornered single-handedly ;) :D

Seriously, I made reservations at both Comfort Inns: the first night will be $69, the second night we got a discount for $58. I said single occupancy and had to give my home address, credit card # and phone #, so please don't get me in trouble!! lol.

I don't really mind driving out there as a group, even though it's gonna cost me an extra tank of gas. Good thing I love to drive, huh? ;) My little sport won't have as much room as Jeff's 4door, but you're welcome to cram as much stuff as possible into it-anything I can do to help! What time should I be up at camp Lizard? Noonish?

Can one of you guys please bring a Dremmel tool if you have it? I have some panel cutting to do while you guys are tackling the trails :D

On an aside, I found YET ANOTHER bullet hole-this one in the driver's side tail light that I just took off :( Good thing I got new ones....I'll bring the old ones with me in case Chris breaks his.

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Spas, I think you would be better off using those large round wood bits with a drill for cutting those holes. You know those ones that are like 2" in diameter? Does anybody have a set of those? My 15 year old set bit the dust last time I tried to use it.
