People in Denver...Emissions Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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People in Denver...Emissions Question


Elite Explorer
November 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Durango, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer XLT 4x4
Tags expire and no longer living in Co. Springs I have to get another emissions test which is more comprehensive for Denver.

I am wondering if me having a KKM air filter will be an issure. Last time @ the Colorado Springs place they thought it was a K&N filter which I believe are CARB cert. and legal for here in Denver.

I would hate to drop almost $30 just to find out that I have to go home and put all the stock stuff back on.

Does anyone have experience with this at the Denver Emissions places?

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I have a KKM and it passes every year! They really don't look that much at mine either and my tailpipe is a real PIA to hook up to the tester. :)

Yeah I thought my Explorer would never pass, but not only did it pass but it was way under teh allowable limits on everything. I think one time they popped the hood and looked, the other time they didn't even bother looking.

They dont usually even lift the hood at the state emissions drive through places, they check for a CEL, cat converter, and then run it through the test.

They think my BII still has a 2.9L and I have had the 4.0L for three years now.........funny thing is the 4.0L burns about half the numbers so I have a really clean burning 2.9L according to them :)

You will be fine.......KKM or no KKM

Sweet, that is kind of what I figured. I just wanted to be fore warned.

Thanks guys!
