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Pic's of your ride


1988 Ranger 2wd.
Built V8 - **** loads of Fun and NO traction. :p:

Totally off topic, but Hi Dave. :wavey:

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Hey hoser's here is my '91



I think I'm the most northern member, no ? :D




Vancouver Checking In

hey fellow canadians :D here's my ride, stock except for the tires and a cold air intake. haven't got to go off road yet since i don't know any one with a 4x4 to go with or really ware to go for that matter. so anybody from vancouver area with any tips message me.





no intetion of diming down yar pics o' anything..but...ahum!



Older pic of three of my families Rides... (Mine is in the middle)


  • 3 X's.jpg
    3 X's.jpg
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what size tires are in the first pic? I like it alot

They are 36 x 12.50 x 15 Super Swamper TSL Radial. The ones in the second picture are 35 x 14.50 x 15 Pit Bull Mad Dog.

Here's a few pics of mine


btw, the grille cover is only on for highway unless I forget to remove it..

Home made shackles, TT, 31" Motomaster Roughriders. Basic, not much exciting

91 Sport

Here is my 91 Sport. Just started working on it. Much more to do. Here is a starter pic.


Wow I havent been on here in awhile, we have our own Canuck section eh! , I was more active back when I had my 92, heres my Sport Trac now, it has 3" body lift and 285 bfg at,s, used to have home made shackles and TT, but took them off for the body lift.




My old 92, shackles, coil spacers and 2" body lift with 31" bfg,s


Cheers, Todd

Here is my bad boy!


Warrior shackles, Add a leaf, 3" body lift kit, Torsion bar mod, KYB Monomax shocks, rubber gap guard, 4 tow hook, front push bar and grill, dual Hella driving light, clear corner and many more goodies!

My '98 Explorer Lt

I just want to say that I'm glad to see so many Explorer fans out there. I just bought my '98 about a month ago and already have plans for it. I've read that after market lifts are not out there for a 2-2 1/2" lift. Is that really true? If it is, is there a way to get that amount of clearance out of other means?

I'll post a pic later.


Ther are loads of nice lookin' Explorers in all parts of Canada I see mates :):)

LOADS of explorers around my way here in nova scotia but none that i've seen used offroad other then maybe a dirt driveway LMAO. HRMMMMM wonder how i can get a few of them to come out and have some fun........

Allright, be prepared to see a bit of a 'fixer-upper', she aint pretty but shes my baby... I have a bit of body work, and what I call 'rust herpies' to fix, but other than that, Im proud of my truck.. putting Vancouver Island on the map


susp: 4inch rough country lift, and 3 inch body
tires: 33/12.5 bfg allterrains

im looking forward to getting 35's, and regearing the axels 4.56...


Well here she is after a 3" lift/leveling kit install:

Body Lift soon to come ;) ;)

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