PLB or Satellite Messager? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PLB or Satellite Messager?


Elite Loser
Staff member
Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
After slamming my sternum on the slide out edge of my RV and ending up flat on by back, it got me thinking about all the time I spend alone in lonely places. I'm still sore four weeks later, but I'll be fine. However, what happens if I can't get myself out of whatever situation I've got myself into? I'm not getting any younger, and seem to be just as likely to take risks as I have always been, but don't want to end up a bunch of bones next to a really cool Explorer if technology can save me. I'm going to start researching this, but would like some input from anyone who has experience with these devices and what works for then, and why.

This article explains the difference between personal locators and satellite messaging devices.


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PLB since the requirements for signal are less than a satellite messenger. Years ago here in MD they had a injured hiker on the Appalachian trail who alerted after a traumatic injury that require hoist operations from our state police medevac. They said if he didn't use his plb, they probably would have never found him since he was off the trail by a good distance

I second the location beacon. No subscription plans to accidentally run out. They can find you pretty quick if there’s a solid location point, and no one is recording your blubbering to the satellite operator that could threaten your manliness to your close friends and family when it hits YouTube or the news with the prefix “local man”…

Old thread- I know! However, I think its a good resource. For those who don't spend whole lot of time doing these things, only occasionally, you can rent GPIRBs and PLBs. Found out yesterday when doing the boater card registration and course.


Thanks for bumping this thread. I forgot to update it. I ended up getting a Garmin InReach Mini 2. It has text through phone (Bluetooth) capability and has a SOS button. I have the least expensive subscription at $12.95 a month, $99 for a year. I pay yearly with a reoccurring charge so I won't forget. I think this subscription charges per text, but I won't be using it unless there's an emergency. The InReach is in a small orange case in my center console attached to the shifter by a lanyard I made out of 1/4" rope. That way, no matter what happens I know I can find it. It's like any other recovery gear. You know it's there, you know where it is, but hopefully you won't have to use it.
