Post your WTB Aerostar parts here. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post your WTB Aerostar parts here.


Flunked daycare
Elite Explorer
January 3, 2003
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outside shovelling snow
Year, Model & Trim Level
................ 96 XLT ™
Just curious what everyone is looking for. Maybe someone has access to stuff that others do not.

I think I run across a few Aerostars in the junkyard once in a while.

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1. Plastic screw on latches for the doors. They move when you open the door. You push them down to lock them. I think that they are the same for all years.

2. Upper plastic air cleaner box cover for the 93 with a 4.0L. It has 3 tabs to keep the cover on. I think the 4.0L box covers would fit from different years as long as it has the MAF design.

3. Driver's side lower seat belt latch with the bolt, and the small plastic bolt cover disc. Either the dark gray or the light gray. All years should be the same.

4. Fuse panel cover for a 95-96. Some other years might fit too. A picture is in this link:

5. The sliding door has a row of contacts which meet contacts on the body of the vehicle. I need the ones on the sliding door. The single contact model is F69Z-14A658CA, and dual contact model is F69Z-14A658AA. I think I need the single ones, but I could probably use either. They are a rubber grommet with a small metal tab in them. All years should be the same.

6. The 95-96 gray interior has pop in trim rings where the rear seat belt strap comes out. Maybe other years might have the same thing.

7. The gray plastic door switch panels with the window, and door switches. A picture is in this link:

8. The 2 license plate light bulb covers on the rear hatch. All years should be the same.

9. Plastic fuel filter cover on the 89. I think it might be on the 86-89 models.

10. Front hood light with the mercury switch. All years should be the same.

11. Glove box interior light with the switch for a 95. I think that all years might be the same.

12. Brake pedal rubber cover. All years are the same.

13. Under the dashboard corner lights (courtesy lights) for a 95. I think that all years might be the same.

14. Radio knobs on the rear controls of a 95-96. They look like the regular small knobs on a radio. I think that all years might be the same.

Holy cow... laundry list...

I'll print this one out before I go next time...

OK I need a drivers side door latch for the 1991 Aerostar...went to Ford this AM and they wanted $ gotta be joking, right

OK, first, for 257 $ they aren't getting me ANYthing......Sometimes we just need a kick start....I wd 40'd the daylights out of the latch, worked it about ten times and it decided to function properly. Thanks for the shoulder to bounce off.

I'm looking for two sets of A pillars. Tan/Mocha

I'm also looking for tan/mocha drivers window/door switch covers.

They must be in perfect condition meaning no cracks or chips.

To stop latch problems

OK, first, for 257 $ they aren't getting me ANYthing......Sometimes we just need a kick start....I wd 40'd the daylights out of the latch, worked it about ten times and it decided to function properly. Thanks for the shoulder to bounce off.

Another trick, drip a few drops of 3 in 1 oil or liquid wrench on the plastic pop up latch knob. It will drip down the linkage & lube the pivot joint which gets dry & stiff over time. Do this once a year before winter to ensure trouble free operation , also lube the door lock cylinders with graphite lube.

ATB Aeroman.

PCM wiring harness for Aerostar 4.0.

I'd have to know what year so that I could get the appropriate transmission. Later years would probably be better than earlier so I could use 4.0/trans out of more numerous Explorers.

It seems that everyone cuts harnesses at my junkyards, so I can't find anything worthwhile. I'm not interested in repairing a darn harness. A donor vehicle would be the best.


I have a good floor shifter with cable for an early Aerostar with automatic if anyone might want or need one.

Used part, but good

I have a drivers side power window motor & operating arm from a 96 3L, I believe all years are the same. Also have a window off same door, tinted.

I just brought in a 1991 Ford Aerostar 4.0 AWD. Bad engine. Good transmission and transfercase. Lots of other good parts. Let me know what you need. You can email me direct at

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Help....Looking for Part

Howdie.....New Member here....
I have a 91 4w/d aerostar with the 4.0/Auto....Starter went out and had to pull the drive line out to get room to remove the starter.
The Front Driveline Slip Joint Boot, between the T-Case and Driveshaft was
broken. The Dealer told me the part is Obsoliete...and the last one sold
6-19-09 from a Ford Dealer....I have looked everywhere....even Spicer, who's name is on the Boot..Spicer # 232016, Ford Pt # F09Z-4421A.
Any help is Gladly Welcome........Thanks
Lee Rogers
