Prices for solid axle conversion!!?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Prices for solid axle conversion!!?!


Elite Explorer
February 26, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Ok I know we have a forum for conversions but I figured more people would see it here. I got a quote from a guy that does all kinds of axle conversions here in albuquerque. He told me that if I used an old bronco dana 44, he would charge me 1500 for labor, 750 for the axle, and then what ever all of the other parts cost. i.e. springs,bushings,drive shaft etc. But he told me that if I wanted to do it right he would take a high pinion front 44 (reverse rotation) and shorten it from full size for about 500 more. The reason for this is that the pinion is about 5 or 6 inches higher. I will help my driveline angles and give me a capability for more flex. He said to expect to spend just under 4000 total. What do you guys think? How much have you guys spent? Thanks Robbie

Well Robbie, what about the Superlift I'm sending you? Try that out first, it's a simple install and major upgrade. The solid swap is a lot of work...the prices you have been quoted a little on the high side if you ask me. I paid about $450 for a high pinion 44, $250 to cut the housing and axle, $1200 for install + other stuff, ie: Dutchman axles for the rear, shocks, gears, coils, wheels, all adds up very quickly. I would suggest to anyone thinking of a solid swap to not spend any money on the front end for lockers or swap new gears in, that way you only pay once. I sold my Dana35 for $500 to a Bronco II owner, which offset some costs. The solid swap is great, but it's not for everyone.


