Programming headlights with Forscan? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Programming headlights with Forscan?


Well-Known Member
August 15, 2003
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'21 4wd XLT
Has anyone had any luck programming a headlight with Forscan on this generation Explorer? As part of the rebuild of collision damage, I picked up a used headlight on Ebay. Low beams work fine but no high beams. Forscan has a service feature where it will go through the motion of programming but I don't see any difference and still no low beam on the replacement headlight.

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Have you tested to see if the high beam actually works to begin with? Did the seller state it was fully functional?

Have you tested to see if the high beam actually works to begin with? Did the seller state it was fully functional?
No - I'm trusting the seller that it was good. It came without the LED module and I'm questioning whether my original is any good. When I picked up the car from auction, the headlight was destroyed and the module was dangling in the wheel well and saw some abuse after the accident. I may pull the bumper cover back off, swap my known good unit from the other side and see if the high beams work then. If that's the case I'll know its a module thing and not programming.

I was hoping I could figure it out with technology and not have to pull the bumper cover off again. Oh well, it's not too hard on these vehicles.

No - I'm trusting the seller that it was good. It came without the LED module and I'm questioning whether my original is any good. When I picked up the car from auction, the headlight was destroyed and the module was dangling in the wheel well and saw some abuse after the accident. I may pull the bumper cover back off, swap my known good unit from the other side and see if the high beams work then. If that's the case I'll know its a module thing and not programming.

I was hoping I could figure it out with technology and not have to pull the bumper cover off again. Oh well, it's not too hard on these vehicles.
Have you tired to contact the Ebay seller? They may be able to help/

Either your car's electrical or the headlamp is messed up. You should not need to do anything with forscan when it comes to headlights--replace like for like.
