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Puddle lights

Hey guys, I know I've posted this question before, but I'm hoping to attract more comments, AND I referred to the puddle lights as just "side view mirror" lights before, so hopefully, now that I have the correct terminology, I can elicit a greater response. ANYWAYS, I was wondering if anyone out there knows how I can get to the bulbs, AKA the puddle lights under my side view mirrors. I want to change the colors, but I'm scared to just pop the under-glass, and risk breaking it. I've already made some severe scratches to it attempting this. HELP!!!

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here are what the "blue" look like......(more like a green blue) but soon i'm gonna make my led's :salute:


pics aren't too clear but u get the idea

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Has anyone purchased LEDs from this website for their puddle lights?

If so, which ones did you order (there seem to be multiple options for 168 replacements)?
Are you pleased with the light output?

and has anyone wired the "puddle" lights to a seperate switch to utilize them as a "rock" lights? leds would probably be needed for heat issues i assume

and has anyone wired the "puddle" lights to a seperate switch to utilize them as a "rock" lights? leds would probably be needed for heat issues i assume


I just soldered up a board of 16 (4x4) 5mm white LEDs for my puddle lamp. I only did one side so far because I wanted to see how it looked before doing the other. It is BRIGHT!!! So awesome. I could see something like that being useful for a rock light off road for sure.

Wiring them up to a switch wouldn't be too bad. You would just need to find the right wires.

I just soldered up a board of 16 (4x4) 5mm white LEDs for my puddle lamp. I only did one side so far because I wanted to see how it looked before doing the other. It is BRIGHT!!! So awesome. I could see something like that being useful for a rock light off road for sure.

Wiring them up to a switch wouldn't be too bad. You would just need to find the right wires.

Thats what i was hoping to do, i thought someone could point me in the right direction as to the location of the wires i needed to intercept, in leu of me just tearing stuff apart to find them

Speaking of LED puddle lamps....
Complete replacement for inner housing and lens!

96 LED's Total
48 LED's Per Side

16 LED's White Puddle Lights
16 LED's User Pref. City Lights
8 LED's Signal Repeater
8 LED's Alarm Blue/Red Flash

Ill be releasing them in limited quantity, board production will be starting soon!


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that looks good, looks like it would be kinda hard to do though. what size led are you gonna use? 5mm 3mm. i think 10mm led is the way to go with puddle lights

Not hard to do at all, the boards are double sided and cad designed, they use 5mm leds, but ultra bright ones.... They will be fully sealed, with only the pigtail leading from the housing. Direct wire in any combination you choose. There will be no assembly on the users end.

There will be different options including single color for some killer puddle lamp action!

My last order of leds was for 5,000, but my favorite is the 5w wafer led retrofitted for fog lights.....

I can make led kits for ANY application. Once these are ready Ill pick up the vendor status for the forums and make a post, but would just like to gauge interest first!

very interested i think these would look killer on the X

Putting LEDs in the Mirrors is a very nice touch


That board would make things a lot easier.

Has anyone purchased LEDs from this website for their puddle lights?


If so, which ones did you order (there seem to be multiple options for 168 replacements)?
Are you pleased with the light output?

Anyone tried 'em?

Otherwise, I want a set of what you made, P51. Did you have to modify the housing in any way? I would like a plug-and-play option.

They are ok, but light output is not focused into the lens directly. With these the light hits the side of the housing.

A set of leds correctly aimed makes a world of difference.

Speaking of LED puddle lamps....
Complete replacement for inner housing and lens!

96 LED's Total
48 LED's Per Side

16 LED's White Puddle Lights
16 LED's User Pref. City Lights
8 LED's Signal Repeater
8 LED's Alarm Blue/Red Flash

Ill be releasing them in limited quantity, board production will be starting soon!

I'd like a set for my '99 sport !

Has anyone tried to use the brighter 921 bulb on 99-01 Explorer puddle lamp?

I don't think the 921 bulb will fit through the hole where the bulb goes into the housing, and i would be concerned about the brighter bulbs melting the housings. Even the 194s in my mirrors melted the housings.

Sounds like it's best to stay with the 168 bulb or upgrade to LED's.

Thanks Mike!!! That website for LED premade bulbs is FANTASTIC!! Does this mean i just pop out my 168, and replace it with the led 168?

Which bulb model do I buy? They seem to have a bunch of different kinds that fit the 168. What about the Current Draw @ 12 Volt?


Hey where do you think the best/cheapest place to buy the red's, resistors, and boards? and what size leds and resisters should be used? I was thinking of getting the leds from here http://www.superbrightleds.com/leds.htm... i want red and clear ones but don't know which ones would be best.

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