Pulling a 98' 5.0. What are good lift points | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pulling a 98' 5.0. What are good lift points


Another day, Another dent
November 6, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Gresham, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 5.0
I'm pulling the engine, trans, and t-case out as a unit. Does anyone know any good lift points on this motor. I can't find any! The core support has been removed.

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I used a lift plate from summit, bolts to lower intake.
I also seperated the tranny and engine.
Good luck


  • engine in.jpg
    engine in.jpg
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you can pull the trans and engine together, but the t case wont fit.

To get the t case off (if its a AWD) you can remove the center console and go through the trans tunnel access plate, this will allow you to unclip the 3 02 sensors and get access to the top 2 trans case bolts.

I used a Powerbuilt engine harness (4 chains) on my hoist to yank the drivetrain.
remove the upper intake first, this is the BEST way.
Any intake bolts or head bolts can be used if you are careful and spread the load.

Pics are in my making one good explorer from 2 thread......

Where does the t-case get held up at? After the engine is out, I'm taking the frame and body to the scrap yard so i don't need to worry about damage. Or, does it just not fit?

it wont fit UNLESS you hack the radiator support out, even then I am not sure it will fit??? I dont know I unbolted mine because basically with the drivers side drop for teh front driveshaft it really looks like it will not fit, but I cannot say I tried.
Getting just the trans and engine out of my green 96 was a PITA, there is no way I could have done it with the t case on there......(my blue truck has a 3" body lift) so it would have been easier, but I still dont think it will fit.
