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Radio Problems

born ford fan

New Member
April 4, 2009
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Susanville CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer
Help - out of the blue my stock AM/FM radio won't stay on any station....Its flipping from one station to another and I can't get it to stop


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Is it possible that the SCAN or SEEK button is stuck?

mmmmm don't think so

Don't think the button is sticky - but why would it work for 20 minutes or so then out of the blue start scanning on its own. While skipping around - if you push a channel button - it will goto that station for 2 seconds then start scanning again also jumping from fm to am and not stopping until you turn the radio off. Its the ghost in the machine.
I'm open to suggestions

Had the same thing happen on my wife's 97 Mountaineer years ago. After hearing her complain about the radio for weeks, I decided to take out the radio. I was in process of taking out the radio itself from the dash when I thought about the problem. The only logical thing that could make it continuously scan (other than a bad radio) was a stuck scan button but not only on the dash radio face plate . My wife the pack rat had somehow wedged a book between the rear radio control panel and the back seat. The scan button was being physically pushed in by the book. Check both the scan button on the front of the radio and the scan button on the rear radio control panel. I bet you the rear control panel button is stuck somehow.

Will definitely have to check out control panel in rear Thanks, let you know

all i can tell you is forget the head ache and get a after market stereo. that will look and sound better anyway.

Will definitely have to check out control panel in rear Thanks, let you know

Yes -sorry it took so long to get back to you - Yes it was just something pushing against the radio controls on the back panel.

We were starting to think there was a gremlin in the car.

Just way to funny

Thanks AGAIN Born Ford Fan!!!!!!!!!
