random flaming? by jeeper | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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random flaming? by jeeper

Originally posted by SC'92Explorer
acually in 92 where called trucks not SUV's look at your owners manual they started calling them SUV's in 1994(correct me if im wrong)


Wern't they considered wagons in '91 ? Im not sure, but I think i remember seeing that somewhere.

Good job on tellin' that jeeper who best expo

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so whats up with his pics. i want to see what hes got.

If the guy wants to be an ass, so be it. But for whoever cut on all Jeeps as junk are consumed with envy.

But for whoever cut on all Jeeps as junk are consumed with envy.

im not sure if they are consumed with envy, but mabey just thrashing out against jeep owners saying all of our rigs are junk. I have gotten nothing by greif about wheeling my explorer on the trails, and have gotten many strange looks by XJ owners, as-if they were mad i was out there in my truck. I happen to like jeeps, and would love to own a TJ or a newer XJ myself. I, however, have found very few Jeep owners on the trails (with the exception of the kids i wheel with) that are at all nice to talk to, or would be helpful to me at all if i was in a bind. All jeeps are not junk, but a lot of jeep owners are.

:rolleyes: I have somehow missed this phenomenon.

maybe because you wheel a jeep. go out there in your explorer one day and you'd see.

on that note.. i don't mind jeepers. i don't like folks who look at me/treat me like an idiot because of my choice in vehicles that i made way before i started wheeling. it just happens to be that i see/hear this from more jeepers than anyone. chevy pickup drivers would be next.

and i've wheeled with more jeepers than explorers. so i'm not prejudice!

my x is a 4x2 and belongs to the urban jungle. It has no business on the trails. I think the people here getting funny looks from Jeepers may be caused by 2wd vehicles that are trying to be 4wd. I 've seen some good lookin and capable explorers on here that are 4wd and see know reason why I wouldn't have an awesome time with them offroad. shrug.

my explorer is a 4x4. and i have never been treated nicely on the trail by any drivers in jeeps, besides my friend in a cherokee. i wave, they dont wave back. i get stuck, they dont offer help. i ask them about their mods, etc, they blow me off and keep going. buy when they blow a tire, they are more than willing to use my high lift. and when they are stuck in a mud hole, they are more than willing to be pulled out by me. and as far as chevy truck drivers goes, they are definitely a close second, but remember, they ARE driving chevys after all. what do you expect?

I was simply refering to the unibody, soccermom Jeeps, I like the old stuff, up till Crysler, when they bought jeep, everythign went to ****, and now Mercedes will run them into the ground. I would love to have a 52 Willy's 4x4 station wagon, my dad has one in disrepair, but it's only 2wd. Now that, is a mean looking SUV:D

I don't get as many remarks on my truck, the wheelers seem to be less surprised by a ranger on the trails than the Explorers:p

jeez, whats the big deal! ive never been wheeling in a group yet, but damn. whats their problem? its one thing to be pissed about unbuilt trucks on tough courses, but if its a well built or capable truck, who cares. do they really want to just see jeeps all over the place? how boring. its exciting to see all kinds of makes and models built differently with different characteristics, thats the beauty. thats what i love about explorers, i would think people would love to see explorers on the trail and look in fascination on a rare off-road vehicle that few people 'build'. i own a decently built explorer and i have seen many on this site, but ive yet to see one other than mine in person. seeing one would be more interesting for me than seeing a ferrari.

as far as unibodies, are you talking about the wranglers? ive seen some with body lifts. you cant do bodylifts with unibodies, right?

plus, who is someone with a stock jeep giving looks to someone with a SFA explorer with an Atlas II, winches, lockers, mud terrains, etc. thats like some skinny guy in the gym trying to belittle a bodybuilder

I'll let the pic speak for it self. :D


  • jeepthing.jpg
    46.4 KB · Views: 203

the stuck up jeep phenomenon isnt as prevalent in the south. oh, they still joke around about it occasionally but ive never had a jeeper act rude or snobbish on the trails. my wheelin buddy has a built YJ on 35's and he's not a Jeepsnob at all. of course, you're friendly down here to others out of fear of getting your ass kicked, so that may have something to do with it. ive been to Barnwell many times alone (with 2 friends passenger) and we usually pick a group of big dawg jeeps to ride with. they have allways been very friendly and helpful.

I think there are some folks here that have had bad experiences with Jeepers and are stereotyping. It is very sad to see an "us against them" attitude. If you come across an ******* on the trail, it isn't because they drive a Jeep and you an X, its cause they are an *******. Wake up people. Wheelin is a hobby and recreation and there is no reason to squash someones day for what they drive. It should be fun.

Originally posted by FourXFred
im not sure if they are consumed with envy, but mabey just thrashing out against jeep owners saying all of our rigs are junk. I have gotten nothing by greif about wheeling my explorer on the trails, and have gotten many strange looks by XJ owners, as-if they were mad i was out there in my truck. I happen to like jeeps, and would love to own a TJ or a newer XJ myself. I, however, have found very few Jeep owners on the trails (with the exception of the kids i wheel with) that are at all nice to talk to, or would be helpful to me at all if i was in a bind. All jeeps are not junk, but a lot of jeep owners are.

I agree to a certain extent, but I won't say all Jeepers are bad. Where I live and wheel it is primarily Jeeps and I would have to say that 90% of them are downright rude to me and have nothing but bad things to say when I wheel or even if I am simply driving my Explorer down the road. The Jeep "wave" is one finger from what I can figure out, cause that is what I always get, along with some nice profanity. There are some Jeep owners in a local club here that I have wheeled with and they are great and my best friend is a Jeep finatic, but the everyday Jeeper has always been nothing short of an A*S to me.:(

Up here in the Northeast, the attitude problem is noticeable. I will back up Doug and Muskrat, on seeing the attitude that "If it ain't a J**p it ain't S**T". The Jeep clubs up here seem to have that attitude to a point. There are plenty of friendly jeepers out there, but we have more than a small minority up here that have attitude problems. Go read one of our Paragon writeups. We had a stock Wrangler with us one day, and the guy couldn't even find 4lo in his xfer case (I had to get into his truck and show him)!! We helped him out, and let him wheel with us for the day, and then he turns around and puts a post up on a Jeep board about how the Explorers were no good at wheeling, etc....Heck, he didn't even do two of the trails that we ran! He couldn't make it up the first trail, and didn't even try the second!! I've also had a couple of Jeepers tell me that "Explorers don't belong on the trails".

It's not all jeepers, but there are enough out there with an attitude that it's noticable.

i'm sure that's the case. there are more jeeps out there wheeling so they will likey have more butthead drivers. like i said.. i wheel with a few of them. they are pretty cool. i've noticed that most of the ones that have been buttheads on the trail were in near stock vehicles.

As my last post on this subject, I'll say we'll agree to disagree. I guess maybe if the feelings(about jeepers) weren't expressed so generally I wouldn't take them personally. Nevertheless, I will enjoy my elite status on this site and continue to learn and have fun and attempt to ignore jeep flaming. Although I joined for street applications for my X, I have enjoyed the offroad topics as well. So if anyone is in north Florida and would like to wheel in one of the many nice trails in Ocala or Goethe state forests, I'm game;)
