Red demon | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Red demon


New Member
February 10, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Robinson, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Jeep
Hello, I just joined and I bought a 1995 Wrangler,my brother told me to start a thread and put some pictures in. I intend to add some things later, but right now I am just getting started.




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Hey dude. Welcome to the site, nice jeepy thingy there. What are your plans for it?

Ha ha! You kids crack me up.

Wait until you get the three of us together at the same time!!!!!

Just now seen this! I am such the red headed stepchild when it comes to news in the family! :rolleyes:
Welcome to the forum sir! Glad to see you decided to come out & play with us. :D


It's all your fault Gregg!! See what you started!!!


Oh sure blame me when things go south, but take all the credit when things are going your way! :p:


Sweet! Wish I was there with y'all! :)

That would of been great, Gregg!!!!!

We made a trip to Temple and Gene got a winch for the Red Demon. :D

And he told his wife that Robert and I made him get it, at gun point at that.!!!!!

Got the Red Demon's winch installed but of course Murphy's Law had to bite us in the butt, the instructions had blown out of the box when we had picked it up and I just said it would be easy to figure out, not so much, so when we get the wiring instructions we will be able to wire it up.

the start



used an channel that we had for a while at Rob's place, did a little modifing, (aka cutting torch :D)


One of the ugly bro's trying to look busy,



Ahhhhh, grinding metal and making sparks fly, at one of my brothers at that





The winch is a Badlands 5Klb from HF

Now if we can just get Gene to post on his thread!!!

(He says he'll get around to it, just hold on to our horses)

That winch looks tiny.. 8K winch is what you need..

I blame it all on your nephew in Missouri.. He's nothing but trouble I tell you :p:

So which one of you is the ugly one? Let the argument begin :D

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So its decided a Ugly McFarlin contest.. :D
