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safari roof rack


Well-Known Member
October 12, 2002
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newaygo michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 sport
My 94 sport doesnt have a roof rack, witch isnt all that bad but i have yet to see another sport with one. I geuss its possible the previous owner removed it. Just curious how many of you have an aftermarket roof rack. I think i want maybe a safari basket or somthing like that... im not sure... just lookin for sugestions

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I have a surco safari rack and I love it. I can actually use my roof now to carry stuff that I dont want in the cargo area.

I too have the Surco and it is great. Not only does it look good but it is very functional. I highly recommend it.


any pics? how hard was the installation?

I have a Yakima roof rack with a basket. I also have light mounts (no lights yet), hi-lift jack mount, spare tire mount. Check my photos here on this site to see it.



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i've got a thule (no basket) and i love it. i think any type of aftermarket setup you get will be better than stock, anyways. but in your case i guess you don't have to worry about that :rolleyes:

I've got Thule rails and a Thule safari basket.
It is great.


Installation was almost too easy :D

looks nice.... im jealous, but because i dont already have holes predrilled in my roof, what would be the right way to go about doing the install?
