Sew....what do you all do in your spare time? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sew....what do you all do in your spare time?

...Harley says she will model all your sweaters for Rodeo Drive...btw, she hates paris' princess and wants to show them fifi's how it's done...:D

...honestly though, there is a doggie boutique up there and i think you would do well with your idea on doggie sweaters...;)

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Rhainy - You would be so proud of me :) I finally got to sitting down one weekend and taking apart one of Rit (RitSui's) old shirts. I made a pattern of it and used that to make him a new one (with the help of a book called "Shirtmaking" or something by David Coffin) It turned out great!! I was so shocked all I could do was sit there and grin at it lol. He said it fits great and is very happy with it. Now I can start making him shirts to wear on the trail and dump the ones that are all tatters :) (I'll get a pic later if you want)

Khiori! YEAH! I love to do that sort of stuff...I am so glad that you got it all sorted and that Rit is happy with it as well. There are lots of good books to work with when it comes to making patterns from favourite ready to wear (RTW) clothing.

You will have to post a pic, Maybe start a new thread with the title *Things I Made* or something? I want to post some pics of some of my Ren maybe I can get around to posting the thread if you haven't time...

Keep On Sewing!

...:scratch:...I was wondering why Ritsui was so sad about his favorite shirt...:p:

Help! Maybe I'm jumping the gun a little but I need to know something.
I'm sewing the curtains for my grandson Judes new room in their new house.
This is an old house with high ceilings they have just done a semi remodel job on.
The drapes I'm making are 98" long with 11" above the window molding. I'm pleating these about 5 1/2" down from the top of the curtain and they will hang just an inch or so from the floor. These windows are 65" wide across the molding to molding. She wants to hang a pole rod with finials of her choice. My question, where can I find drapery pins to just hang on a pole rod? She hasn't
bought the rods yet so I don't have a diameter. Am I confusing anybody yet?
My Aunt taught me to sew when I was a little girl. She's gone now but I have learned more through the years. When my girls were little I made them cabbage patch diaper bags lined and all, very professional looking without a pattern. They turned out beautiful. I've made dolls, rabbits, etc. clothes for them all.
I love a challenge and really enjoy doing little projects. I also made the roman shades that are in my kitchen without a pattern. They aren't perfect but look nice when drawn up. I would appreciate any info on the drape pins and do they make them to just hang on a pole rod or do I need to look at other alternatives. I already have them lined and turned and top stitched. They are ready to pleat but I'm waiting.

SSmith, I would check at your local fabric center or at somewhere that sells home decorator items. You can get the basic drapery hooks, with the poky end that goes into the fabric at the pleats, and a hook style ending...they will fit on most rods as long as they are not too big in diameter.

Good luck! I personally do NOT like making draperies...and will make curtains instead any day of the week. ;)

I am going to answer for Ssmith, since she is in bed now-

She has been looking for these-and yes the rod needs to be a good size. I think that is the hang up--( pun intended)

Anyway-to make matters worse, the only local thing around here is walmart. If anybody sees something-I will gladly pay ya for them.
We are at least 100 miles from anything that would have them.

I always thought curtains and drapes were the same thing-:confused:

Try a Home Depot or Lowe'swhat you want is the rins that fit ove the pole then the pleat pins will fit in the holes and wa-la you got curtians!

...I was going to suggest walmart as most have fabric area's in them with misc. parts...Have you tried the local Ace hardware???..I have lived in many small town's and Ace is the place..:D


Like this-except round, and a bit larger -

these are similar to what I am speaking of. instead of have a gripper at the bottom they have a ring to attach your hook

or you can use the type found in motorhome/trailer applications basically a track that hook holders ride on. (This might be a better solution.) If you want I will take a picture of the ones in the motorhome. I have done this before! lol

Wow, everyone beat me to replying! :D Yes what they said...As for finding them, the hardware store is a good idea...keep us posted!

Thanks for the answer, I looked on google at alot of hooks. I think I might just put a rod sleeve on them. They aren't too heavy to gather. Jon made this makeshift sewing table for me out of sawhorses and plywood. I could not have sewn these on my table where I usually sew. Alot of fabric to handle. Here is a picture of the table and the fabric. I really wanted to pleat these, geeze.


  • sewing table.jpg
    sewing table.jpg
    25.9 KB · Views: 305
  • Jude's curtains.jpg
    Jude's curtains.jpg
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...They do make a pleated hook/pin that they usually sell at the hardware store..:dunno:...Sorry, I don't have any pics...:(

Just a quick idea you can use a double rod with rings on rear pole only and make a swag for the front pole would look real nice. Here's a pic of mine without the double pole set up, (too much dust in the room for that).


...Those clips work on pleats too...;)

Thought I would bring this back to see what the rest of you are up to. So far I have made 2 of these

and 2 of UCLA, USC still on needles. Just thought I would share.

and here are the USC and the UCLA sweaters


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Either that or the ladies are simply not doing much of this sort of thing...or aren't checking the forums?

Guess quilting and such comes with old age! :p:

Maybe not so much with age as lack of children. I have a hard time finding time to take a shower sometimes (3 boys, 1 girl), time for quilting is out of the question. I do know how though my grandmother taught me as a pre-teen.
