SMORR 2011....Official thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SMORR 2011....Official thread


It's Always Something!
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Elite Explorer
August 1, 2008
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94 & 95 XLT's
John Johnstone Memorial-Ford Invasion Weekend @ SMORR

There will be a fund raising collection for John's children. Please plan accordingly. Any little help will be appreciated.

We will have day & night runs, BBQ, Entertainment in the Pavilion, Bonfires, Ice cold Ice Cream for sale from a 4x4 ice cream truck, and more to add as the time goes on.

Here is our thread in SMORR's website. Post up as often as you feel.

May 13th-14th-15th is the date voted on and is Final.

Saturday night BBQ dinner provided by the park. Post up if your wanting to partake with the number of dinners you want, by May 11th.
For $7 you get...
Giant pulled pork sammich...Pit beans...Side Salads...Roll...Drink...and a desert. :)

Smorr is located in Southwest MO.
This is a Privately owned park with over 930 acres, and over 75 miles of trails rated from 1 to 5. The park has very nice amenities, including modern bathrooms/showers, Large Pavilion, clean camping areas, compressed air, child playground, obstacle course, great food-Bfast/lunch/dinner. There is a nice RTI ramp, mud pit, drag race area, and a Jumping track to get daring on. There are places set up in the park to have a nice picnic lunch or relax for a while, enjoying the beauty of the Ozark hills.

CB Radio channel...5.
Park staff runs ch 14.

GPS Download for the park

Garmin mapsource application

Park map pdf.

Vehicle requirements for trails:
4WD (2wd LS will get around main road only)
Front & Rear tow points
CB Radio
If your a stock rig, please inform us of what your running in your axles, or Limited slip. We will need to keep you in the middle of the pack on the trails.

Suggested equipment for trails:
Trail ratings
1-stock set up will get you around the park, but even a #1 can have some places that will be hard on a stock set up.
2-Minimum of LS rear / 31" AT or MT / 4wd / 2" lift
3-Minimum of one locker / 33" AT or MT / 4wd / 2-4" lift / Rock sliders, skid plates preferred as there is a chance of body damage
4-Rear locker, front locker helps greatly / 33"-35" MT / Rock sliders, skid plates / high chance of body damage
5-Front & Rear locked / 6"+ lift / tons of articulation / full under body & roll cage protection, 5 point seat harness / 36"+ MT / winch / Will take on body damage / Lots of HP / Psycho attitude / Trailer to get your broken rig home / Doubtful We will be doing any of these

Wheeling Fees:
1 day pass:* $20 per vehicle and driver $5 per passenger

2 day pass:* $35 per vehicle and driver $10 per passenger
(SAVE $5.00)
3 day pass:* $45 per vehicle and driver $15 per passenger
(SAVE $15)

Spectator/Hanging out at the park all day
$5 dollars per person per day.

Tent Camping Including Pop Ups:

* $7 per tent a night(up to 6 man tent) $15 per tent a night(7-14 man tent)
* Kids tents 12 yrs and under free

Electric Site RV Camping (These are long gravel drives with post fencing separating the sites. Do not have to have an RV. They have grass as well.)

* 1 night $20
* 2 night $35
* 3 night $50


Not much on camping?

Ava Super 8‎
1711 South Jefferson, Ava, MO
(417) 683-1343‎

Open wheel--Night run
8:30am drivers meeting in the pavilion and group photos
9:00am meet at North trail head on Ranch road
12:00 Lunch
1:00pm meet at South trail head on Ranch road
5:00pm dinner
8:00PM Bonfire in the campgrounds until....?
9:30pm Night Run until....?
Breakfast & open wheel to follow

Gmanpaint- 3 for dinner
Sparksaflyin-2 for dinner
Chad551-2 for dinner
Bronco2guy-1 for dinner
Pwhiteelec05 & Techieman -2 for dinner
88comingup - 2 for dinner
azaizai -2 for dinner
Benjiman -2 for dinner





To get to the park....HWY 60 (goes across southern MO) to Seymour (east of Springfield). There is only a couple exits for this tiny town. They should all lead towards the center of town. Once your south of the RR tracks, you will wind your way thru the square and to K HWY. Take K south 5 miles until you reach the park. It will be on the south side of the HWY and trust me, you wont miss it. Look for the signs, and the ranch style entrance.



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Going early this year I see, that weekend is going to be tough to make since finals are that week but will do my best to make it for some more fun wheeling and giant bonfires.

Idea's? Well lets see, how about a much bigger version of this from the Haloween run.

I'm in, whenever it is. Maybe the Ranger will be wheel-able by then, lol.

A looong time, lol. :(

A large bonfire is a must :thumbsup:

The 1st meet went very well with a great turnout at this time of year. Cabin fever was itching at everyone to get back out on the trails, and what better way to kick the winter blues than a springtime meet. No heaters or A/C required in the month of May, rigs run cool, and the scenery is beautiful as nature springs back to life.

Yea I vote that weekend in May!

Check for a massive bonfire!!! I dont think the one last time was big enough.

We can build bigger :)

Great night run temps.

And creative ways to get WOOD

Im in so far, still have to clear it with the boss to be final.

Im in so far, still have to clear it with the boss to be final.

Invite the boss! Sure way to get that weekend off :D

I have to say...B2Guy knows how to build stuff big! From rigs to bonfires, guaranteed to be large! :thumbsup:

You now, I may be in...Ill have to check my work schedule and vacation, but I might trek up there :)

Oh, I have no lifted vehicles...Is there a link for the trail ratings? Or is stock vehicles SOL at SMORR :p:

Stock vehicles will do fine on the Ranch Road. Its like a gravel-ish dirt-ish "road" that runs around the park, most of the trails branch off from this. Also there are a few trails that a stocker can do, depending on your level of skill, and your willingness to incur a little damage (rocker panels, bumper, etc) Gmanpaint and Bronco2guy are the ones to talk to about it, they are there all the time since its practically in their back yard.


You now, I may be in...Ill have to check my work schedule and vacation, but I might trek up there :)

Oh, I have no lifted vehicles...Is there a link for the trail ratings? Or is stock vehicles SOL at SMORR :p:

Here is a trail map

You can probably run the 1's in a stock 4x4 depending on what kind of shape they are in. For everything else you would be better off finding a ride with someone else.

This meet is more than wheeling. It is also about meeting up with others and making new friends, seeing old friends that we don't get to see all the time, and then taking our rigs out to see what there capable of. Everyone should come regardless of what rig they have. Were gonna have a Party!

C'mon over, and take a ride in someone Else's rig, if you cant wheel your own. I am sure most will have 4 seats and can accommodate others. We will have a monster bonfire to hang out at & share some laughs, & a nice dinner on Sat.
Can't wait! :)

If I don't have a wedding to attend to on the same weekend (like last time:rolleyes:) I will make an effort to make the drive out of Texas to come up there. I won't be wheeling, but I'll come up in my stock 3rd gen. I'd be more than happy to help and be a photographer/ trail if needed!

That would be AWESOME! You should come its a good time regardless.

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That would be AWESOME! You should come its a good time regardless.

Says the man with the BUS, looked at those pictures of it and it is freaking huge.
