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stupid criminal....LOL


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I just read this article, guess he should have given up robbing banks back in '63...

Police: Robber Locks Keys In Car, Shoots Self In Leg
Man Charged With 8 Felonies In Connection With Botched Bank Robbery

POSTED: 11:57 a.m. EST January 16, 2003
UPDATED: 12:11 p.m. EST January 16, 2003

PORT ROYAL, Va. -- Things didn't exactly go as planned for a masked man suspected of robbing a bank in Virginia on Wednesday.

Authorities say Edward Blaine of Spotsylvania County fled the Union Bank and Trust branch in Port Royal with several thousand dollars -- but then dropped several $100 bills as he tried to stuff the money in his pockets.

They say he then realized that he had locked his keys inside his getaway car and began beating on the window with a piece of wood. The commotion drew the attention of two civilians, who began chasing him.

Sheriffs officials say Blaine tried to shoot them -- but instead shot himself in the leg. When he continued to resist, one of the citizens shot him in the leg, too.

Blaine is charged with eight felonies, including robbery and two counts of attempted murder.

Blaine served nearly 20 years in prison after being convicted of a bank robbery in Maryland in 1963.

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He had 20 years in, 20 years out, now at least 20 more years in!


wow after 20 years in prison he woudl still do that stuff again?? must not have been a P-B...i wont say it.

guess they didn't have the "toss salad man" back then (if you've heard chris rock comedy you get it).

what's so surprising about someone getting out of jail and commiting another crime?

what an idiot, unless you're blind, how could you manage to shoot yourself in the leg, while trying to shoot someone else ? he must have liked serving jail time. what a moron.
