Swing Away Spare Tire Mount | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Swing Away Spare Tire Mount


New Member
October 1, 1999
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I have a real quick question, I own a 1998 Ford Ranger. I am looking for a swing away tire mount that I can mount either on my rear bumper or to the frame. I'm hoping that in addition the the spare tire, that I can mount a 5 gallon jerry can next to it. Similar to what you see on some of the Broncos. I was wondering if anyone knew were I could find one. Thanx.


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Swing away tire mount


I just finished box tubing bumpers on my Ranger and am looking for a swing away mount system that uses a spindle/wheel bearing assembly. :thumbsup:

Welcome to the forum, guys! :thumbsup:

I suggest you take a look at our offroad fabrication forum. Several members have fabbed up tire/gas carriers for their Explorers. I believe Jefe built his to mount to the stock bumper.

I don't believe there is anything aftermarket available, though, if that's what you're hoping. :(

Thanx Ranger X, I'll take a look.


Wasn't there a fellow on here that used a slightly modified Jeep TJ rear bumper with great results? That may be a good starting point.
